CALENDARS bar tool
A digital tool for making visual calendars.
The digital calendar bar tool was developed in collaboration with the CALENDARS project by successive groups of students at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (under the guidance of Sara Strauss), as part of their fieldwork to study the seasonal calendars of various groups (viticulturalists and beekeepers) around the world.
The tool serves as a digital medium for individuals or groups to visually map out the year according to temporal points or periods that are important for their activities; e.g. seasonal phenomena they align to, or the periods of practices such as harvesting honey.
This tool was useful for when research was conducted with people remotely – i.e. through video-conferencing – and they were asked to draw and send in their calendar.
It was also a useful tool for the researcher to visually note down the seasons described by people in interviews, and made it easy to line up several different calendars alongside each other for comparison.