The SEISAN seismic analysis system is a complete set of programs and a simple database for analyzing earthquakes from analog and digital data. With SEISAN it is possible using local and global earthquakes to enter phase readings manually or pick them with a cursor, locate events, edit events, determine spectral parameters, seismic moment, azimuth of arrival from 3-component stations and plot epicenters. The system consists of a set of programs tied to the same flat file database. Using the search programs it is possible to use different criteria to search the database for particular events and work with this subset without extracting the events. Most of the programs can operate both in a conventional way (using a single file with many events), or in a database manner. Additionally, SEISAN contains some integrated research type programs like coda Q, synthetic modeling and a complete system for seismic hazard calculation.
Havskov and Ottemoller, SeisAn Earthquake analysis software, Seis. Res. Lett., 70, 1999.
Jens Havskov - Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen
Lars Ottemöller - Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen
Peter Voss - Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland
SEISNET is a system to combine seismic stations or networks into a virtual network. The basic function is to collect data into a SEISAN database system. The main operations carried out automatically by the SEISNET software are:
- Retrieval of parametric information from seismic nodes
- Retrieval of waveform data from seismic nodes
- Network event detection
- Automatic phase identification, hypocenter location and magnitude determination
- Transfer of waveform data for a given hypocenter location and origin tim
Requirements: Linux or Solaris, Tcl, TK, Expect, Kermit
Lars Ottemöller - Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen
This piece of software links the SEISAN database to the AutoDRM system that is used to exchange seismic data mostly over email.
Lars Ottemöller - Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen
JSESAME is a JAVA application for providing a user-friendly graphical interface for H/V spectral ratio technique used in local site effect studies. The program uses the functions of automatic window selection and H/V spectral ratio by executing external commands. The automatic window selection and H/V process are standalone applications developed in Fortran. JSESAME is mainly a tool for organizing the input data, execute window selection and processing, and display the processing results. The software operates in Unix, Linux, Solaris, Macintosh and Windows environments.
For details of the concept and the software see the enclosed articles
Kuvvet Atakan - Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen
UNIPAS is a software developed at the Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen for systematic treatment of uncertainties in paleoseismic investigations. For details of the concept and the method see the enclosed article:
Atakan et al., 2000. Seismic hazard in regions of present day low seismic activity: uncertainties in the paleoseismic investigations along the Bree fault Scarp (Roer Graben, Belgium). Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Vol.20/5-8, 415-427.
The program runs under the MS-Windows 95 (or higher) operating system. The total disk-space required for UNIPAS is 1/2 Mb. The software is written in Visual C++ by Bladimir Moreno Toiran.
In order to install UNIPAS, please do the following (if you already have a distribution diskette, start with point number 4):
1. Transfer the file (download)
2. Open a directory on your computer (e.g. UNIPAS)
3. Move the file into the UNIPAS directory
4. Extract the software by unzipping the file ''
5. Start UNIPAS by double clicking on the unipas.exe file or alternatively you may create a short-cut icon to your desktop.
6. Follow the instructions shown on the help functions of the program, or see the User Manual.
Standard distribution of UNIPAS consists of the following files:
Files that are in ASCII format:
Unipas.cnt Unipas.gid Unipas.par Unipas.pqf
Files that are in binary format:
Unipas.exe Unipas.hlp
Kuvvet Atakan - Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen
The software shown here, and additional software can also be directly downloaded from the FTP server.