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Radiation at EKOFISK

Since 2007, solar and terrestrial radiation has been measured continously at the platform EKOFISK in the North Sea. The station is one of very few stations measuring solar and terrestrial radiation over open ocean, and the data are used to validate remote sensing EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice SAF (OSISAF) radiative flux products.

Location of the radiation instruments at EKOFISK
Location of the radiation instruments at EKOFISK


The radiation instrumentation is situated at the oil-platform Ekofisk in the North Sea, and the measurements started in fall 2007. The station is one of very few stations measuring solar and terrestrial radiation over open ocean, and the measurements are done as a joint project between:

  • Geophysical Institute (GFI)
  • Norwegian Radiation Protection Authorities (NRPA)
  • Meteorological Instute (MI)

The project could not have been realized without support from Conoco-Phillips , who is running the Ekofisk field.

The parameters measured are:

  • global radiation (responsible GFI)
  • longwave atmospheric radiation (responsible GFI)
  • UV radiation (responsible NRPA)

As these measurements are one of few over open ocean, they give valuable information about the radiation over these remote areas. A first analysis of the measured data can be found in this Master thesis (in Norwegian only).

The data are used to validate remote sensing EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice SAF (OSISAF) radiative flux products. Examples on validations are given here (pdf). These products are routinely produced on passage and daily basis (see here for details)

Contact at GFI: Jan Asle Olseth and Anak Bhandari