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Work in Progress

The data analyses are still ongoing. Below you will find a list of the people currently involved, and their main focus areas.


Professor Turid Helland:

  • neurocognitive development
  • gender and familiar occurrence
  • replication(s) with special focus on the RI-5
  • follow-up study
  • publication of the RI-5 Risk Index Questionnaire


PhD-candidate Frøydis Morken:

The PhD project focuses on language processing in dyslexia. It includes cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses of fMRI data collected during reading tasks, as well as analyses of data from controlled sentence dictations with key-stroke logging.


Master degree projects:

  • Working memory and dyslexia in a longitudinal perspective.
  • CCC-2 and The Speak Up Project
  • Specific language impairment and speech production in the children of the Speak Up Project at five years old.
  • Auditory verbal working memory and dyslexia.
  • Dyslexia and balance.
  • Development of grammar comprehension in dyslexia.