Dissertations 2009
- Debabrata Panja: Translational regulation of long-term potentitation of (LTP) in the dentate gyrus, PhD dissertation 04.12.2009
- Bina Raju: Effects of sympathectomy on experimental rat tongue tumors - In vivo studies of interstitial fluid pressure, lymphatics and gene expression, PhD dissertation 05.11.2009
Leif Oltedal: Elektriske egenskaper til nerveceller i øyets netthinne, PhD dissertation 02.10.2009
- Feta, Almir, Enzymatic regulation of heparan sulfate biosynthesis, PhD dissertation 26.08.2009
- Elvira Semaeva, Studies on the tissue microenvironment and secretion of signalling substances with special focus on trachea and spleen, PhD dissertation 30.06.2009
- Malgorzata Barczyk, Studies of α11 β1 integrin in mouse and human periodontal ligament, PhD dissertation 12.06.2009
- Sergio Carracedo Huroz, Expression and regulation of the α11 integrin subunit - in vitro and in vivo studies, PhD dissertation 06.05.2009
- Mørkve, Svein Harald, Synaptic transmission between rod bipolar cells and amacrine cells in the mammalian retina, PhD dissertation 20.03.2009