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BBB Seminar: Waldemar Priebe

Drug discovery in academia: Integrating basic science and translational research


Waldemar Priebe
Department of Experimental Therapeutics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

The process of drug discovery will be discussed. Focus being placed on the discovery and development of selected anticancer drugs at the presenter's laboratory. Specifically, novel approaches to the design and development of drugs targeting DNA, interfering with metabolism of cancer, and potent inhibitors of the STAT3 pathway will be presented. I will discuss, in greater detail, the discovery and the development of clinically-evaluated Berubicin (WP744, RTA 744), the first blood-brain barrier penetrating topoisomerase II poison that has significant activity against glioblastoma multiforme.

Host: Rolf Bjerkvig, Department of Biomedicine