Geofysisk institutt


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Geophysical Institute 100 Years - University of Bergen in Climate and Energy Transformation: Atmosphere, Ocean, and Society in Motion

A scientific symposium on the 2nd and 3rd of October about climate, energy and earth system science. Open to researchers, stakeholders and interested parties from education and related realms.

Eivind Senneset


The Geophysical Institute celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2017, and organizes a symposium focusing on climate, energy and earth system science. This also marks the start of a new strategic research area for UiB; climate and energy transition.

The symposium will be held on the 2nd and 3rd of October in the University Aula at the University of Bergen. You can sign up for the event by filling out the form accessible by clicking the registration link on the right hand side.

See the detailed program for the two days by clicking on the headers below.


2. October - Meteorology, Oceanography, Biochemistry and Climate Dynamics

Welcome to day 1

09:00 - Greetings by GFI Head of Department Nils Gunnar Kvamstø

09:10 - Greetings by Rector Dag Rune Olsen

09:20 - Greetings by student representatives Kjersti Konstali and Kristin Svingen 

09:30 - Introductory talk: What is Geophysics and what is it good for? - Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen

10:00 - GFI from its origins to its shape today - Magnus Vollset

10:30 - Coffee break


11:00 - Key note: Present state of meteorology in a historical perspective - Heini Wernli

11:30 - Overview of what team contributes from GFI Meteorology group - Harald Sodemann

11:45 - Highlight: Development in field measurements, research and education - Line Båserud and colleagues

12:00 - Lunch break: buffet lunch with presentation of posters

Physical oceanography

13:30 - Key note: Warm winters, thin ice? - Julienne Stroeve

14:00 - Overview of what team contributes from GFI Physical Oceanography group - Lars H Smedsrud

14:15 - Highlight: Role of ocean heat in the 'new Arctic': Observations from the Yermak Plateau - Algot Peterson


14:30 - Key note: The global carbon cycle - natural versus human induced fluxes - Nicolas Gruber

15:00 - Overview of what team contributes from GFI Biogeochemistry group - Are Olsen

15:15 - Highlight: Carbon uptake in the subpolar North Atlantic - long term trends and drivers - Friederike Fröb

15:30 - Coffee break

Climate dynamics

16:00 - Key note: The difference between 1.5deg and 4.5deg warming - David Battisti

16.30 - Overview of what team contributes from GFI Climate dynamics group (senior) - Asgeir Sorteberg

16.45 - Highlight: Arctic Sea ice change - when, where, how? - Ingrid Onarheim 

17:00 - Cultural event

3. October - Climate and Energy Transformation

Welcome to day 2

  • See live streaming here (link to be activated)
  • #GFI100

Moderator: Beatriz Balino

09:00 - Welcome and introduction to UiB Climate and Energy Transformation - Dean Helge Dahle and GFI Head of Department Nils Gunnar Kvamstø 

09:20 - Climate research at UiB and its role in society - Camille Li

09:50 - Climate and energy transformation from a social science perspective - Håvard Haarstad

10:10 - Renewable energy and energy transformation - Finn Gunnar Nielsen

10:30 - Coffee break

Understanding climate and the human dimension 

11:00 - Key note popular lecture on climate system science - Christoph Heinze

11:30 - Key note popular lecture on the human dimension of climate change - Kjersti Fløttum

12:00 - Lunch

Energy transformation

Moderator: Peter M Haugan

13:00 - Key note lecture: How to achieve a sustainable future ? - Bjørn K Haugland, DNVGL

13:45 – Comment by Hans-Kristian Ringkjøb (PhD Candidate - Energy system modelling)

13:50 – Comment by Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa (Senior scientist, CMR)

13:55 – Comment by Sigird Eskeland Schütz (Professor of law)

14:00 – Discussion and questions from the audience

14:15 - Coffee break

Paneldebatt om klimautfordringen og energiomstillingen (På norsk)

Debattleder: Anne Jortveit 

14:30 - Oppsummering av konferansen og spørsmål til panelet - Peter M Haugan

14:45 - Styrt paneldiskusjon med spørsmål/kommentarer fra salen. Panel: Dag Rune Olsen (UiB), Gunnar Eskeland (NHH),  Jannicke Hilland (BKK), Bjørn Haugland (DNVGL), Ragnhild Freng Dale (Stipendiat v/ University of Cambridge), Sølve Sondbø (Klima og naturressurssjef v/ Hordaland Fylkeskommune) på norsk

15:45 - Avslutning ved instituttleder GFI