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Anti-krigs dissens: Russlands undertrykkelse av sivile og politiske rettigheter

Velkommen til presentasjon av den nye OVD-Info-rapporten og diskusjon om tilstanden til politisk undertrykkelse i Russland i dag.

Illustration of repression


The Russian state continues to suppress political dissent through new restrictive laws and repressive measures targeting activists, journalists, and ordinary citizens. 

The report “Repression in Russia 2024” by OVD-Info, the independent human rights defence and media group, provides an overview of the human rights situation in Russia. It documents politically motivated persecutions, restrictions on freedom of expression, and a broader crackdown on civil society.

What do these developments tell us about the state of political repression in Russia today? How do they compare to previous years, and what might they signal for the future?

Katerina Golenkova and Sasha Pozhivotko of OVD-Info will present the report and talk about the trends and numbers, followed by a conversation with Kyle Marquardt (UiB) and Ingunn Lunde (UiB).