Samarbeid mellom Kina og Pakistan i usikre tider
Hvordan vil forholdet mellom Kina og Pakistan utvikle seg under regional usikkerhet og geopolitiske spenninger?

China and Pakistan have long enjoyed strong bilateral relations, notably through the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which aims to foster prosperity, security, and peace via enhanced connectivity and economic growth.
However, CPEC’s implementation has faced delays due to conflict and security concerns, with Pakistan experiencing a 70 percent rise in terrorist attacks in 2024 (see the Pakistan Security Report 2024). In addition to its partnership with China, Pakistan has sought alliances and support from the United States, amidst uncertainty over President Trump’s policies towards the region.
Pakistan has not only looked towards China, but they also balanced this relation with attempts to secure alliance with and military and financial support from the Unites States. There is currently major uncertainty over President Trump’s policy towards Pakistan, and the region.
How does China’s engagement in Pakistan impact on conflict dynamics, domestically and geopolitically? How is China perceived by local stakeholders in Pakistan? Where do Pakistan position itself in the new geopolitical struggle between the US and China?
In this seminar Muhammad Amir Rana, Safdar Hussain and Hazrat Bilal from the Pak Institute of Peace Studies (PIPS) will share insights from their work in Pakistan and its neighbourhood.
The seminar will be chaired by Arne Strand (CMI) and is part of the research project Developmental Peace? Perceptions of China’s Engagement in Pakistan and Afghanistan’ (AsiaPeace).