Publikasjoner ved Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning
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Publikasjoner 2024
Drangsland, Kari Anne (2024) Speaking Racism – Raciolinguistic Frontiers, Worth and Belonging in the Governing of Refugees in Norway. Geopolitics.
Yangeldina, Dinara (2024) Going Native/Viral in Russian Popular Music: Aesthetic Populism, Patriotic Anti-racism, and the Quest for Hip-Hop Authenticity in Timati’s Teymuraz Music Video Trilogy. IASPM Journal. Vol. 14 No. 2: Special Issue. Contemporary post-Soviet popular music: Politics and aesthetics.
Publikasjoner 2023
Arora, Swati; Koobak, Redi & Lykke, Nina (2023) Decolonization, the University, and Transnational Solidarities, i (red.) Lykke, Nina; Koobak, Redi; Bakos, Petra, Arora, Swati & Mohamed, Kharnita (2023) Pluriversal Conversations on Transnational Feminisms. And Words Collide from a Place. London: Routledge.
Bakos, Petra; Koobak, Redi & Mohamed, Kharnita (2023) From Affective Pedagogies to Affected Pedagogues (2023), i (red.) Lykke, Nina; Koobak, Redi; Bakos, Petra, Arora, Swati & Mohamed, Kharnita (2023) Pluriversal Conversations on Transnational Feminisms. And Words Collide from a Place. London: Routledge.
Gressgård, Randi & Lozic, Vanja (2023) Shifting notions of vulnerability and learning in Swedish prevention policy, i Heath-Kelly, Charlotte & Gruber, Barbara (red.) Vulnerability: Governing the social through security politics. Manchester University Press, 2023.
Jegerstedt, Kari; Michelsen, Per Arne & Neple, Anemari (red.) Politikk, kunst og kjærlighet - nye perspektiver på Torborg Nedreaas' forfatterskap. Scandianvian Academic Press, 2023.
Jegerstedt, Kari; Michelsen, Per Arne & Neple, Anemari (2023) "Vent ikke noen beskjedenhet fra meg". Om kanoniseringen av en forfatter, i Jegerstedt, Kari; Michelsen, Per Arne & Neple, Anemari (red.) Politikk, kunst og kjærlighet - nye perspektiver på Torborg Nedreaas' forfatterskap. Scandianvian Academic Press, 2023.
Jegerstedt, Kari & Marhaug, Sofie (2023) De varme hendene: Betraktninger over den politiske kunstens (u)mulighet, i Jegerstedt, Kari; Michelsen, Per Arne & Neple, Anemari (red.) Politikk, kunst og kjærlighet - nye perspektiver på Torborg Nedreaas' forfatterskap. Scandianvian Academic Press, 2023.
Jacobsen, Christine M. & Karlsen, Marry-Anne (2023) The Meanings of Chronopolitics and Temporal Awareness in Feminist Ethnographic Research, i (red.) Lykke, Nina; Koobak, Redi; Bakos, Petra, Arora, Swati & Mohamed, Kharnita (2023) Pluriversal Conversations on Transnational Feminisms. And Words Collide from a Place. London: Routledge.
Karlsen, Marry-Anne (2023) Governing migration through vulnerability at Spain’s southern maritime border: a malleable concept in a securitised and marketised regime. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Kawesa, Victoria; Vlachou, Maria; Knobblock, Ina; Koobak, Redi; Mehrabi, Tara; Tlostnanova, Madina & Lykke, Nina (2023) Loving Coalitions: Seven Texts on Feminist Resistance. Janus Unbound - Journal of Critical Studies. Vol. 3, Issue 1.
Kawesa, Victoria; Vlachou, Maria; Knobblock, Ina; Koobak, Redi; Mehrabi, Tara; Tlostnanova, Madina & Lykke, Nina (2023) The magic of feminist bridging: A mosaic of anti-racist speech bubbles about Othering in Swedish Academia. Kvinder, Køn & Forskning, 36(2), 147–161
Kawesa, Victoria; Koobak, Redi & Lykke, Nina (2023) Living an African Feminist Life - Decolonial Perspectives (2023), i (red.) Lykke, Nina; Koobak, Redi; Bakos, Petra, Arora, Swati & Mohamed, Kharnita (2023) Pluriversal Conversations on Transnational Feminisms. And Words Collide from a Place. London: Routledge.
Koobak, Redi (2023) Scenes of Precarity, i Lykke, Nina; Koobak, Redi; Bakos, Petra, Arora, Swati & Mohamed, Kharnita (2023) Pluriversal Conversations on Transnational Feminisms. And Words Collide from a Place. London: Routledge.
Koobak, Redi (2023) The Queer Afterlives of Texts. European Journal of Women's Studies. 30(1), 106-112
Koobak, Redi & Tali, Margaret (2023) Rendering Race Through a Paranoid Postsocialist Lens: Activist Curating and Public Engagement in the Postcolonial Debate in Eastern Europe, i (red.) Blaagard, Bolette; Marchetti, Sabrina; Ponzanesi, Sandra & Bassi, Shaul (2023) Postcolonial Publics: Art and Citizen Media in Europe. Venice: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari (Studi e ricerche; 30)
Lykke, Nina; Koobak, Redi; Bakos, Petra; Arora, Swati & Mohamed, Kharnita (2023) Colliding Words and Worlds, i Lykke, Nina; Koobak, Redi; Bakos, Petra, Arora, Swati & Mohamed, Kharnita (2023) Pluriversal Conversations on Transnational Feminisms. And Words Collide from a Place. London: Routledge.
Yangeldina, Dinara (2023) Beautiful Diversity? Diversity Rhetoric, Ethnicized Visions, and Nesting Post-Soviet Hegemonies in the Multimedia Project The Ethnic Origins of Beauty, i (red.) Lykke, Nina; Koobak, Redi; Bakos, Petra, Arora, Swati & Mohamed, Kharnita (2023) Pluriversal Conversations on Transnational Feminisms. And Words Collide from a Place. London: Routledge.
Yangeldina, Dinara (2023) Generations of Feminist Translations: Connecting Russophone Academic and Activist Feminist Translation Debates Across the 2000s and 2010s, in Sätre, Ann-Mari; Gradskova, Yulia; Vladimirova, Vladislava (eds) Post-Soviet Women. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Aarstein, Kjersti Irene (2023) Vanskelige mødre i norsk litteratur. Av måneskinn gror det ingenting og Herdis-triologien i tradisjonen for konfliktpregede mor-datter-fortellinger, i Jegerstedt, Kari; Michelsen, Per Arne & Neple, Anemari (red.) Politikk, kunst og kjærlighet - nye perspektiver på Torborg Nedreaas' forfatterskap. Scandianvian Academic Press, 2023.
Publikasjoner 2022
Johansen, Hanne M. (2022) Kapittel 2.12: Tverrfaglig kvinne- og kjønnsforskning, i Andersen, Astri, Blažević, Dunja & Elvbakken, Kari Tove (red.) Vitenskap og vitenskapshistorier, bind 1–3, Universitetet i Bergen 1946-2021. Fagbokforlaget, 2022.
Gressgård, Randi (2022) Kapittel 7 Interseksjonalitet og ignoranse: Fra synliggjøring til avkolonialisering, i Cora Alexa Døving (red.) Rasisme - Fenomenet, forskningen, erfaringene. Universitetsforlaget, 2022.
Gressgård, Randi (2022) Dialogue in a Polarized World - Is There a Way Out? i Dunaj, Ľ., & Mertel, K.C. (Eds.) (2022) Hans-Herbert Kögler’s Critical Hermeneutics. London: Bloomsbury Academic
Halberg, Claus (2022) «Natur» er også et ord: Om å ta natur på alvor i feministisk teori. Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning. Volum 46, Issue 2, pp. 72-84.
Halberg, Claus (2022) Neurosexism, Neurofeminism, and Neurocentrism: From Gendered Brains to Embodied Minds. NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research.
Jacobsen, Christine M. (2022) Temporality and the politics of the migrant body. Anthropologie & Santé [Online], 24 bis (hors-série)
Jegerstedt, Kari (2022) Simone de Beauvoir og den feministiske arven etter Hegel. Revisjon, subversjon, dekonstruksjon. Agora Nr. 4, 21-1,22.
Johansen, Hanne Marie (2022) Visjon om et familievennlig og tørrlagt Norge! Kvinners avholdskamp på kristen grunn. Et feministisk og internasjonalt perspektiv, i Okkenhaug, Inger Marie & Skeie, Karina Hestad (red.) (2022) Transnasjonale perspektiv på sekularitet og religion. Norske aktører, ideer, forhandlinger og praksis 1846-1986. Universitetsforlaget.
Koobak, Redi (2022) The lay of the land. European Journal of Women’s Studies. 29(3):379-383.
Publikasjoner 2021
Karlsen, Marry-Anne (2021). Migration Control and Access to Welfare: The Precarious Inclusion of Irregular Migrants in Norway. London and New York, Routledge.
Jacobsen, Christine M. (2021) God will reward you: Muslim practices of caring for precarious migrants in the context of secular suspicion. Contemporary Islam 15, 153–168.
Koobak, Redi; Tlostanova, Madina & Thapar-Björkert, Suruchi (eds.) (2021) Postcolonial and Postsocialist Dialogues: Intersections, Opacities, Challenges in Feminist Theorizing and Practice (1st ed.) Routledge.
Maddox, Rowan (2021). Reading Walter Benjamin with a Disability Lens. The Storyteller and The Mummerehlen. Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies. 15, (1), 93–108.
Publikasjoner 2020
Jacobsen, C. (red.), Karlsen, M.A. (red.), Khosravi, S. (red.) (2020). Waiting and the Temporalities of Irregular Migration. London: Routledge.
Koobak, Redi; Tapar-Björkert, Suruchi (2020). Common Ground: Exploring Hospitality through Art. Discover Society.
Drangsland, Kari Anne (2020). Bordering through recalibration: Exploring the temporality of the German “Ausbildungsduldung." Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 0(0) 1–18.
Drangsland, Kari Anne (2020). Waiting as a redemptive state: The ‘Lampedusa in Hamburg’ and the offer from the Hamburg government. Time & Society 2020, Vol. 29 (2) 318–339.
Gressgård, Randi; Lewicki, Paweł og Smoczyński, Rafał (red.) (2020). Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics, (special issue on "Struggles over Europe: Post-colonial East/West dynamics of race, gender and sexuality")6(3).
Gressgård, Randi og Smoczyński, Rafał. "Noble Polish sexuality and the corrupted European body". Intersections: East European Journal of Society and Politics (special issue on "Struggles over Europe: Post-colonial East/West dynamics of race, gender and sexuality" co-edited by R. Gressgård, P. Lewicki & R. Smoczynski) 6(3) 2020: 13-32.
Gressgård, Randi og Husakouskaya, Nadya. "Europeanization as civilizational transition from East to West: The diffusion of sexual modernity and racial displacement in Ukraine". Intersections: East European Journal of Society and Politics (special issue on "Struggles over Europe: Post-colonial East/West dynamics of race, gender and sexuality" co-edited by R. Gressgård, P. Lewicki & R. Smoczynski) 6(3) 2020: 74-96.
Gressgård, Randi og Lozic, Vanja (2020): "The shifting status of failure and possibility: Resilience and the 'shift' in partnership-organized prevention in Sweden." Politics 40(3): 332-347.
Jegerstedt, Kari. Literature as Philosophy of the Real: Ethics and Sexual Difference in Coetzee's Disgrace, i Rösing et al. (red.) Analysing the Cultural Unconscious. Science of the Signifier, Bloomsbury Academic (2020).
Sandal, Sigrid (2020) Transvestittbehandlingssspørsmålet. Helsetilbod ved transseksualisme i Noreg 1952-1979. Historisk tidsskrift. Volum 99 (4), 316-331
Yangeldina, Dinara (2020) #Russianrapisracist vs #RussianNaziPurgeParty: On Geopolitics, Trolling and the Mistranslation of Race in a Twitter Controversy, i The Cultural is Political: Intersections of Russian Art and State Politics. Bergen: Dept of Foreign Languages, University of Bergen.