Ordering access cards for students
Information about obtaining cards, change of access, lost/defective cards, areas where student cards can be used and guidelines for using student cards at UiB.
First order of student cards
To order a student card for the first time, you must be registered for the semester on studentweb.uib.no and must have created a SEBRA account on sebra.uib.no no later than the previous day.
Apply at the Card Centre at the Student Centre, where we will have extra staffed photo stations 09:00 to 15:00 Monday to Friday during the first three weeks of the autumn semester.
Otherwise, the opening hours are 09:00 to 14:00 and queues may be expected.
A valid ID card must be shown.
The PIN code of the card is the same as is used to log onto studentweb. If the code is changed in studentweb, the card will be automatically updated with the new PIN code after a few hours.
When handed out, the card will already be programmed with access based on the study programme.
If you take additional subjects at another faculty, the Card Centre must programme this manually. We can be contacted by coming to the centre or by e-mail to kortsenteret@eia.uib.no
The student card will not work in BIBSYS until the semester fees have been paid.
Lost/defective cards
If your card is lost or does not work, you must contact the Card Centre as soon as possible.
Replacing a lost card costs NOK 150, which must be paid using a bank card or credit card.
Defective cards must be handed in, to avoid being charged for a new card.
Access will be automatically transferred from the old card to the new one.
Note! If a new card is issued to replace a lost one, there will be a new card number. The new card will not work on pullprint or BIBSYS until the next working day (amounts paid in will be automatically transferred to the new card).)
If you have paid a membership charge at the SIB training centre, SIB must programme access on the new card.
The Card Centre has nothing to do with the semester card. You can find information about the semester card on the Division of Student Affairs website uib.no/studentinfo
If you need help, you must contact the information centre of the faculty or e-mail the Division of Student Affairs: post@sa.uib.no
Do not make any holes in the card!
If you make holes in the access card you can make it useless.