
Sosial innflytelse på ungdoms atferd og helse



Research Group Leader

Helga Bjørnøy Urke 

Contact us

The SIPA Research Group
Faculty of Psychology
Årstadveien 17

Telephone: +47 55 58 32 30
Email: post@hemil.uib.no

Social Influence Processes on Adolescent health (SIPA)

The SIPA (Social Influence Processes on Adolescent health) research group is an interdisciplinary research group that over the past twenty-five years has developed competence in applying and developing theories and methods of social and developmental psychology in the area of adolescent health. The group consists of members from the Department of Health Promotion and Development and the Department of Psychosocial Sciences, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen.

The SIPA group aims at developing new knowledge about how social processes influence the development of subjective health and health behaviours among adolescents.

EU Research
Ungdom rydder strand for plast

New Method Maps Youth Engagement

A large international project on young people's political and civic engagement is examining their relationship with local politics and participation.

New research
plakat HBSC

New role (norwegian article)

The research group Social Influence Processes on Adolescent Health (SIPA) at the Department of Health Promotion and Development (HEMIL) have been given the role as international coordination center for the studyHealth Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) until june 2028. The topic is children's...
New research


Research group SIPA is a collaborator in an exciting research project where students in junior high school are to carry out a research project within a topic that interests them.


Open data on adolescent health in 41 countries released

A WHO-project on health in the adolescent population is now giving researchers access to data collected in 41 countries worldwide. The data gives insight on matters concerning health, well-being, social environment and health related behaviour of 11, 13 and 15 year old boys and girls.