Airborne Lightning Observatory for FEGS and TGFs (ALOFT)


NASA ER-2 fly
Preparation of ER-2 airplane for ALOFT campaign flight

Main content


ALOFT mentioned in the NASA Airborne Science newsletter.

M. Marisaldi, N. Østgaard, A. Mezentsev, T. Lang, J. E. Grove, D. Shy, G. M. Heymsfield, P. Krehbiel, R. J. Thomas, M. Stanley, D. Sarria, C. Schultz, R. Blakeslee, M. G. Quick, H. Christian, I. Adams, R. Kroodsma, N. Lehtinen, K. Ullaland, S. Yang, B. Hasan Qureshi, J. Søndergaard, B. Husa, D. Walker, M. Bateman, D. Mach, S. Cummer, M. Pazos, Y. Pu, P. Bitzer, M. Fullekrug, M. Cohen, J. Montanya, C. Younes, O. van der Velde, J. A. Roncancio, J. A. Lopez, M. Urbani & A. Santos (Oct. 2024), Highly dynamic gamma-ray emissions are common in tropical thunderclouds, Nature Letter, doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07936-6

N. Østgaard, A. Mezentsev, M. Marisaldi, J. E. Grove, M. Quick, H. Christian, S. Cummer, M. Pazos, Y. Pu, M. Stanley, D. Sarria, T. Lang, C. Schultz, R. Blakeslee, I. Adams, R. Kroodsma, G. Heymsfield, N. Lehtinen, K. Ullaland, S. Yang, B. Hasan Qureshi, J. Søndergaard, B. Husa, D. Walker, D. Shy, M. Bateman, P. Bitzer, M. Fullekrug, M. Cohen, J. Montanya, C. Younes, O. van der Velde, P. Krehbiel, J. A. Roncancio, J. A. Lopez, M. Urbani, A. Santos & D. Mach (Oct. 2024), Flickering Gamma-Ray Flashes, the Missing Link between Gamma Glows and TGFs, Nature Letter, doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07893-0

I. Bjørge-Engeland, N. Østgaard, D. Sarria, M. Marisaldi, A. Mezentsev, A. Fuglestad, N. Lehtinen, J. E. Grove, D. Shy, T. Lang, M. Quick, H. Christian, C. Schultz, R. Blakeslee, I. Adams, R. Kroodsma, G. Heymsfield, K. Ullaland, S. Yang, B. Hasan Qureshi, J. Søndergaard, B. Husa, D. Walker, M. Bateman, D. Mach, P. Bitzer, M. Fullekrug, M. Cohen, M. Stanley, S. Cummer, J. Montanya, M. Pazos, C. Velosa, O. van der Velde, Y. Pu, P. Krehbiel, J. A. Roncancio, J. A. Lopez, M. Urbani, A. Santos, T. Neubert, F. Gordillo-Vazquez (Sept. 2024), Evidence of a new population of weak Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes observed from aircraft altitude. Geophys. Res. Lett., doi: 10.1029/2024GL110395



AGU 2024

M. Marisaldi, N. Østgaard and the ALOFT team, The novel view of gamma-ray active thunderclouds from the ALOFT flight campaign, AGU fall meeting, Washington DC, USA, December 2024

M. Stanley, P. Krehbiel, R. Thomas, R. Brown, Y. Pu, S. Cummer, M. Urbani, J. Montanya, N. Østgaard, M. Marisaldi and the ALOFT team Broadband VHF Interferometer Observations of ALOFT TGFs, AGU fall meeting, Washington DC, USA, December 2024

N. G. Lehtinen, D. Sarria, M. Marisaldi, N. Østgaard, Ø. H. Færder, Flickering Gamma Flashes (FGF) as a Lotka-Volterra System, AGU fall meeting, Washington DC, USA, December 2024

J. E. Groves , D. Shy, B. F. Phlips, M. Kerr, N. Østgaard, T. Lang, M. Marisaldi and the ALOFT team, Temporal Morphology of Gamma-ray Glows from Thunderstorms Using iSTORM During the 2023 ALOFT Campaign, AGU fall meeting, Washington DC, USA, December 2024

D. Sarria, N. Østgaard, M. Marisaldi and the ALOFT team, Spectral analysis of Flickering Gamma Flashes observed during the ALOFT 2023 Campaign, AGU fall meeting, Washington DC, USA, December 2024

I. Bjørge-Engeland, N. Østgaard, M. Marisaldi and the ALOFT team, New population of weak TGFs observed from aircraft altitude, AGU fall meeting, Washington DC, USA, December 2024

A. Fuglestad, M. Marisaldi, N. Østgaard and the ALOFT team, The intensity distribution of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes from the ALOFT flight campaign, AGU fall meeting, Washington DC, USA, December 2024

Y. Pu, S. Cummer, O. Scholten, B. Hare, N. Liu, N. Østgaard, M. Marisaldi and the ALOFT team, Small Discharges at Thunderstorm Tops Imaged with VHF Interferometr, AGU fall meeting, Washington DC, USA, December 2024


EGU 2024

N. Østgaard and the ALOFT team, TGF and gamma-ray glow highlights from the ALOFT 2023 flight campaign, EGU General Assembly 2024, EGU24-7900, Vienna, Austria (Invited talk)

M. Marisaldi, and the ALOFT team, A novel view of gamma-ray glows from the ALOFT 2023 flight campaign, EGU General Assembly 2024, EGU24-7900, Vienna, Austria

D. Sarria, and the ALOFT team, Spectral Analysis of High-Energy Radiation Events Observed during the ALOFT 2023 Campaign, EGU General Assembly 2024, EGU24-7900, Vienna, Austria

I. Bjørge-Engeland, and the ALOFT team, TGFs observed by the ALOFT 2023 flight campaign during an ISS overpass, EGU General Assembly 2024, EGU24-7900, Vienna, Austria

A. N. Fuglesstad, and the ALOFT team, The intensity distribution of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes from the ALOFT flight campaign, EGU General Assembly 2024, EGU24-7900, Vienna, Austria

S. Cummer, and the ALOFT team (N. Østgaard), Glow-terminating terrestrial gamma-ray flashes observed during the ALOFT Campaign, EGU General Assembly 2024, EGU24-7900, Vienna, Austria


URSI 2024 (Gran Canaria)

N. Østgaard, ALOFT team TGF and gamma-ray glow highlights from the ALOFT 2023 flight campaign, 4th URSI AT-RASC, Gran Canaria, 19-24 May 2024

N.G. Lehtinen , D. Sarria, M. Marisaldi, A. Mezentsev, N. Østgaard, S. Cummer and Y. Pu, High-energy, optical and radio emissions from long streamer discharges, 4th URSI AT-RASC, Gran Canaria, 19-24 May 2024


AGU 2023

N. Østgaard, ALOFT team Results from the ALOFT mission: a flight campaign for TGF and gamma-ray glow observations over Central America and the Caribbean in July 2023, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2023

N. Lehtinen, D Sarria, M Marisaldi, N. Østgaard, A. Luque, A. Schmalzried, Alternative mechanisms of fast negative streamer propagation and implications for x-ray generation, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2023

D. Sarria, ALOFT team (N. Østgaard), Observation of Long and Intense sequences of Gamma-ray Glows during the 2023 ALOFT flight campaign, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2023

S. Cummer, ALOFT team (N. Østgaard), Low Frequency Radio Measurements of TGFs and Lightning during the ALOFT Campaign, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2023

I. Bjørge Engeland, N. Østgaard, M Marisaldi, A. Luque, A. Mezentsev, N. G. Lehtinen, O. Chanrion, T. Neubert and V. Reglero, High peak current lightning and the production of Elves, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2023

T. Lang, ALOFT team (N. Østgaard), Evaluation of present and future spaceborne lightning observations during the ALOFT campaign, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2023

M. Marsaldi, ALOFT team (N. Østgaard), Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash observations by the ALOFT flight campaign, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2023

D. Shy, ALOFT team (N. Østgaard), Temporal And Spectral Observations of Gamma-ray Transients from Thunderstorms Using iSTORM on ALOFT, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2023

J. Montanya, ALOFT team (N. Østgaard), Summary of the lightning ground measurements at the Island of San Andres to support the ALOFT flight campaign and ASIM, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2023


EGU 2023

N. Østgaard, M. Marisaldi, K. Ullaland, S. Yang, J. Søndergaard, A. Mezentsev, D. Sarria, N. Lehtinen, T. Lang, H. Christian, M. Quick, R. Blakeslee, E. Grove, The ALOFT mission: a flight campaign for TGF and gamma-ray glow observations over Central America and the Caribbean in July 2023, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 23-27, 2023 (see presentation)

Marisaldi, M., Østgaard, N., Ullaland, K., Yang, S., Qureshi, B. H., Søndergaard, J., Mezentsev, A., Sarria, D., Lehtinen, N., Lang, T. J., Christian, H., Quick, M., Blakeslee, R., Grove, J. E., and Shy, D.: The scientific payload of the ALOFT mission to chase Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes and gamma-ray glows, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9381, doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9381, 2023 (see poster).