Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)
Research infrastructure

EMBRC Norway

EMBRC-Norway is a member of the European Marine Biological Resource Center (EMBRC), a European infrastructure network within marine biological research. EMBRC promotes basic and applied marine biological and ecological research as well as the development of blue biotechnology.

Main content

EMBRC-Norway has seven partners. These have research infrastructures - such as field stations, laboratories, analysis equipment and algae cultures - that facilitate experiments with marine organisms to study how they react to changes in the marine environment. The Norwegian facilities are aimed at studies of organisms that are important for fisheries and aquaculture.

EMBRC-Norway offers European researchers and companies access to our research infrastructures in Norway, and through the collaboration, our own researchers gain access to a number of European research infrastructures. UiB infrastructures that are part of the project are Marine Biological Station (Espegrend)Sea Lice Research Centre and the Michael Sars Centre.


National coordinator: University of Bergen

Leader of EMBRC-Norway: Professor Henrik Glenner

Partners: Institute of Marine Research, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Oslo, Norwegian Institute for Water Research, University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway and Nofima