- UiB
- NT
- Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)
- Contact us
Contact us - who does what?
Main content
The administration at the Department of Biological Sciences consists of reception and management support, the study section and research support, all of which have their workplace on Marineholmen. The Department also has resources from the Finance Section and the HR section at the Faculty of Science and Technology, and divide their office time between the Faculty Secretariat and the Department.
Contact Information
Visiting address
Institutt for biovitenskap, Biologen
Thormøhlens gate 53A, 2. et.
5006 Bergen
Postal address
University of Bergen
Department of Biological Sciences
Postbox 7803
N-5020 Bergen
Info regarding events or other news can be sent directly to our newsletter: bionytt.bio@uib.no
+47 55 58 44 00
Department Management
Head of Department: Ståle Ellingsen
Assisting Head of Department: Katja Enberg
Head of Administration: Julie Stavnes
Head of Education: Øyvind Halskau
Subject Groups [Faggrupper]
Please click the link below to find a list of the department's subject groups [NO:faggrupper], along with contact information for the group leaders. The groups main task is to manage teaching within their respective subject areas. The group leader may also assist in connecting you to relevant researchers and research grouops within their field.
Study Section
Contact us: studie.bio@uib.no
Beate Ulrikke Rensvik +47 55 58 22 41
- Section leader
- Coordinator for the IMBRSea programme
- Coordinator for the MSc programme in Biology, responsible for specializations: Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology, Environmental Toxicology and Microbiology
Tommy Strand +47 55 58 44 09
- Coordinator for the ph.d. programme in Biology
Ingvil Roosendaal Sahr (leave of absence)
Erlend Hartvigsen (temporary, 50%)
- Coordinator for student exchange (incoming and outgoing students)
Linda Veka Hjørnevik +47 55 58 43 75
- Coordinator for the BSc programme in Molecular Biology
- Coordinator for the MSc programme in Molecular Biology
- Book student counselling for BSc in Molecular Biology and MSc in Molecular Biology
Hilde Rief Armo +47 55 58 44 39
- Coordinator for the Integrated MSc programme in Fish Health-Aquamedicine
- Coordinator for the Integrated MSc programme in Aquaculture (civil engineer)
- Book student counselling for Fish Health-Aquamedicine eller Aquaculture (civil engineer)
Tone Stokka +47 55 58 30 31
- Coordinator of KUSK (professional development programme for study advisors)
- Coordinator for the BSc programme in Biology
Kjerstin Nilsen Nøkling +47 55 58 33 45
- Coordinator for research/workplace practice courses
- Coordinator for RAS601 Resirkulering i akvakultur (RAS)
- Coordinator for the Integrated Teacher's Programme and Post Graduate Certificate in Education (Biology)
- Coordinator for the MSc programme in Biology, responsible for the specializations: Fisheries Biology and Management, Marine Biology, Aquaculture Biology and Developmental Biology, and Physiology and Nutrition
Grethe Aarbakke +47 55 58 42 36
- Coordinator for exams and teaching schedules for Molecular Biology courses (courses with MOL code)
Kristin Holtermann +47 55 58 26 84
- Advisor at bioCEED
Reception and Admin
- General inquiries (internal and external, both by phone, e-mail and in person)
- Collection and distribution of mail
- Receipt of parcels, sending of mail/parcels
- Access control (key card, office keys, reading room keys)
- Information work (including information on screens and in the calendar)
- Room bookings
- Orders for the administration
- Practical arrangements in connection with anniversaries, disputation, meetings and the like for the entire administration at BIO
- Management support - including reception of new staff, scheduling of meetings/booking of rooms, secretarial tasks (for the HSE and electoral boards), archiving (ePhorte), routine development, organization of events, management of IT accounts
- Management of indoor areas - including distribution of offices and keeping track of allication of areas, tenants and agreements
- Main contact towards the Estate management divison regarding indoor cleaning and maintenance
- Overseeing registration of scientific publications in the CRISTIN database
- Responsible for internal informational channels, databases and e-mail lists
- Back-up function for reception services
- Application support and information for projects focussed on education (INTPART, Erasmus+ and more) and networking
- Main editor for the department's website and internal newsletter (BIO-nytt)
- User support for publishing on www.uib.no
- Management support tasks
Research Administration
- Support and advice on research proposals to the Norwegian Research Council, EU and other national and international research programmes
- Administrativ follow up of externally financed projects related to contracts, reporting and more
- Management support in relation to research in areas such as reporting, hearings, evaluations
- Tasks related to the follow-up of the department's research strategy in cooperation with the department management
- Administrative manager for the Sea Lice Research Centre
- Administrative coordinator for EMBRC Norway
- Support and advice on research proposals focussed on innovation and commersialization
Knut Olav Daasvatn (see above)
- Application support and information for projects focussed on education (INTPART, Erasmus+ and more) and networking
- The Department's contact person at the Division of Research and Innovation
Human Resources (HR)
The HR staff are formally affiliated with the Faculty of Science and Technology, and divide their office time between the Faculty Secretariat and the Department, and have tasks related both to the Faculty and the Department.
- Case management and supervision related to staff recruitment
- General HR case management
The finance staff are employed at the Faculty of Science and Technology and will have tasks for both the Faculty and the Department. The economists who have the most tasks at the department share office hours between the Faculty Secretariat and the Department.
The Faculty's finance section has used the UiBhjelp service portal as a system for receiving, distributing and answering questions and other inquiries from employees and students at the faculty. By reporting cases via this channel rather than e-mail to individuals, it is ensured that the inquiries will always be handled within a reasonable time, regardless of holidays and other absences with individuals.
The Faculty's financial tasks are divided between
- Business economists with responsibility for invoice processing, reimbursement of travel expenses (travel invoice) and other expenses, variable salary (hourly wage, fee) and control of bookings
- Project economists who provide support to project managers related to external projects in various phases: application, contract, operation and termination phase. This means, among other things. financial reporting, help with application budget and invoicing.
- Controllers responsible for the department's total finances, budget, forecast and accounting follow-up.
- Kristina Håvås Hanson, controller
- Heidi Lappegård, project economist
- Anna Gradomska, project economist
- Siri Elisabeth Eide, project economist
- Jørgen Bjørkevik, project economist
- Henrik Tangen Karlsen, project economist
- Andreas Øyre Lindstrøm, purchaser
- Berit Storaker, business economist/specialist
HSE - Safety areas and delegates and HSE-coordinator
- En An updated list of the departments (2.6.1-2.6.5) and university's safety areas and safety delegates can be found here.
- HSE-coordinator: Ann Kristin Frøyset
HSE - Laboratory operations, security and chemicals
Ethanol requester / purchaser at BIO
- Solveig Thorkildsen
- Hilde Marie Kristiansen Stabell
Ethanol responsible persons at Bioblokken, TM55
- Rita Karlsen
- Ann Kristin Frøyset
Gas responsible person at BIO
- Ann Kristin Frøyset
- Substitute: Birte Töpper
- Person in charge: Frank Midtøy
Radiation safety responsible
- Birte Töpper
Coordinator for hazardous waste
- TM53 A/B-block: Hilde Stabell
- TM55 Bioblokken: Lindsey Moore and Erwan Lagadec
HSE - Laboratory animal management
Person in charge responsible for the department's appliance to the requirements given by the laboratory animal regulations are fulfilled:
Head of department Ståle Ellingsen
Person(ell) with special control responsibility:
- Frank Midtøy
- Heikki Savolainen
- Sian Phillips
- Lars Are Hamre
- Arild Folkvord
- Frank Nilsen
The animal welfare unit
- Frank Nilsen (head)
- Arild Folkvord (deputy)
- Frank Midtøy
- Heikki Savolainen
- Sîan Phillips
- Lars Are Hamre.
Laboratory animal facilities
- Levendelaboratoriene: Manager Frank Midtøy
- Levendeavdeling, TM53A: N.N.
- Zebra fish lab, TM55: Room manager Sîan Kristin Phillips
- Sea lice lab, TM55: Room manager Lars Are Hamre
- Laboratory animal department, TM55: Room manager Heikki Savolainen
- Marine biological field station, Espelandsveien 232: Room manager Mette Hordnes
HSE - Genetically modified organisms. GMO-contacts
- Ann-Elise Olderbakk Jordal
- Øyvind Halskau
- Ruth-Anne Sandaa
HSE - Contact persons in relation to field work and research cruises
- Field work contact: Linn Cecilie Krüger, Linn.Kruger@uib.no
- Research cruise contact: Anne Gro Salvanes, anne.salvanes@uib.no
Travel coordinators at BIO
- Fish health: Christiane Trösse
- Environmental Biology and Aquaculture: Rita Karlsen og Cindy Pinto Pedrosa
- Ecology and Evolution: Dagmar Egelkraut
- Fisheries- and Marine Biology: Frank Midtøy og Heikki Savolainen
- Microbiology: Hilde Stabell og Hilde Rief Armo
- Molecular Biology: Linda Veka Hjørnevik
- Students: Beate Ulrikke Rensvik, Jonathan Soule
HSE - user representatives for fire safety at BIO
Elzbieta Petelenz, 55 58 46 12
Rita Karlsen, 55 58 46 25
Fire instructions for user representatives
HSE - site managers for fire safety at BIO
TM53A (Biologen, block A)
1st floor Diep Ellertsen, animal facility / Tommy Strand, teaching area
2nd floor south Dorinde Kleinegris / administration Tone Stokka
3rd floor south Jonathan Soule / north Kenneth Meland
4th floor south Linn Cecilie Krüger / north Silje Östmann
TM53B (Biologen, block B)
1st floor Heikki Savolainen
2nd floor south Julie Skadal / north David Reese
3rd floor south Anders Frugård Opdal / north Fekadu Yadetie
4th North Hilde Marie Kristiansen Stabell
5th floor south Ruth-Anne Sandaa / north Anita-Elin Fedøy
TM55 (Bioblokken)
1st floor sea lice lab Lars Hamre / animal facility Heikki Savolainen
3rd floor south Elsa Denker / north Heidi Kongshaug
4th floor Grethe Aarbakke
5th floor Ann Kristin Frøyset / Sandra Ninzima
Fire instructions for site managers
Head Fire and Safety Engineer for UiB is Arild Shandiz Nessen, telefon 92 65 33 79