Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)

Master theses submitted in 1999

Main content

22.01.1999 Kjersti Tjensvoll J. Apold R. Male: Mutasjoner i norske pasienter med akutt intermitterende poyfyri

19.04.1999 Oddbjørn Fauske A. Fjose: Analysis of PAXBpaired domain binding to genomic target sites

19.04.1999 Vibeke Årskog Matthias Müller, Niels Aarsæther R. Aasland: Group II intron fragmentation; Development of sequence specific RNA restriction ribozyme

27.05.1999 Camilla Gjerstad H. Holmsen O.G.Tjelsdstø: Effelter av fire ulike antisykotiske medikamenter på polyfosfoinostid syklus og cellulære responser i humane blodplater

27.05.1999 Ragna Sannerud H. Holmsen H.B. Jensen: Ribozyne-medinated knock-out og beta-action gene expression

25.05.1999 Ken Roger Rosendal J.R. Lillehaug H.B. Jensen: Identification of two candidate genes encoding proteins that may interfere with activated K-Ras-mediated cell signalling in NIH 3T3 cells

25.06.1999 Marit Kveine L. Aksnes J. R. Lillehaug: Effects of 1 0, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and retinoic acid in breast cancer cells on the inductionof apoptosis, the transcription of RAR-genes and the binding og retinoic acid receptor dimers to their consensus DNA binding elements.

28.06.1999 Reidun Æsøy J. Lund R. Male: Nuclear Receptors and cell specific transcriptional regulation : Intracelluar distribution of Steroidogenic Factor-1 and stabilization by activation of the cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Signalling Pathway.

28.06.1999 Christine Gjerdrum R. Aasland R. Male: A search for proteins interacting with the SET-domain of the murine THRITHORAX protein.

01.07.1999 Vibeke Kyrkjebø A. Fjose R. Male: Studies on expression and germ line transmission of plasmid reporter vectors in zebrafish.

07.07.1999 Vidar Staalelsen D.E. Helland: Celluar uptake and biological activities of purified HIV-1 Tat-exon 1 protein.

16.08.1999 Silje Anett Ugland A. Vedler A. J. Raae: Posttranslation modifications of annexin ll

28.08.1999 Kari J. Sælemyr A.Fjose J.B.Lorens: Transfeksjonsanalyser av sebrafisk (Danio rerio) Pax(b) proteinets transkripsjonsreg. egenskaper

02.09.1999 Frøydis D. Blystad J.R. Lillehaug H.B. Jensen: Cloning of RACK1 and immunohistochem.studies of RACK1 and PKC@ in NIH 3T3 cells lines

12.10.1999 Anne Vatland Lisbeth Olsen R. Aasland: The zebrafish vasa-like locus:charactetrisation of the gene and its promotor

13.10.1999 Anne J. Stokka T. Flatmark R. Aasland :Substrate induced global conformational change(s) in recombinant human phenylalanin hydroxylase as studied by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis.

19.11.1999 Ann-Elise Larsen J. Lillehaug H.B. Jensen :PKCe expression and subcellular localistion in C3H/10T1/2 cells

15.12.1999 Ole G. Berg R.Male A. Goksøyr: Cyp 1A in Atlantic Cod(Gadus morhuaL.) partial cDNA sequence and mRNA expression studies