The Department of Biomedicine
PhD defense

Trial lecture and public defense: Jianhua Han

Main content

Trial lecture:   

“Fluid exchange concepts: past and present”

3. desember 2020 kl. 10.15

Public defense:

3. desember 2020 kl. 12.15

Thesis title:

"Assessment of lymphatic and kidney function by molecular imaging using Positron Emission Tomography (PET)"


  1. Associate Prefessor Donna Briggs Bødtker, University of Aarhus

  2. PhD Frank Riemer, Haukeland University Hospital

Leader of the comittee:

Professor Marion Kusche-Gullberg

Leader of the defense: 

Professor Ian Pryme

The public is welcome.

Zoom link: https://uib.zoom.us/j/64144190930?pwd=dWo1bnJFbzB6RWFzc0k5V0ppWElaUT09