The Department of Biomedicine

BBB seminar: Arvid Lundervold

My sabbatical year 2013: Image analysis in space and time

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Arvid Lundervold
Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen

In this talk, I will give a rather personal report and reflection from my sabbatical year 2013, where image data analysis in space and time has been the common theme. The title of my talk refers both to the geographical locations and time periods in which my sabbatical work took place, and also the spatio-temporal image analysis research topics themselves. The aim is to convey the common ground and generic nature of this kind of research – across different biomedical applications and research environments. In brief:

  • Bergen (Neuroinformatics and Image Analysis Laboratory), January - June 2013: Longitudinal data analysis of brain white matter integrity in cognitive aging. 
  • Dubrovnik, Croatia (2013 IEEE SPS Summer School on Biomedical Image Processing and Analysis, Centre for Advanced Academic Studies), June 2013: Texture analysis in medical imaging; Brain and neuron connectivity.
  • Rochester, Minnesota, USA (The Mayo Clinic, Radiological Informatics Laboratory), October 2013: Dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) and multi-parametric MRI of the moving kidney and from endometrial carcinoma [data from Bergen / MedViz research cluster].
  • Berkeley, California, USA (UC Berkeley, Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute), July - December 2013: Structural and functional brain connectivity from multimodal MRI; Graph representations and network analysis.

The talk will conclude with current research perspectives for our lab, and can also be regarded as an invitation to further discussions on biomedical imaging and data analysis challenges of mutual interest. More details about our research can be found at: www.neuroinformatics-imageanalysis.org


Chairperson: Rolf K. Reed, Department of Biomedicine