Bergen Network for Women in Philosophy

Logic and Feminism

All the speakers have solid expertise in logic (both formal and “alternative” logics), philosophical logic, mathematics, and the philosophy of mathematics.

The chess queen surrounded by building blocks - all in shades of brown.

Main content

Within the philosophical community there is an ongoing discussion about the relation between logic and feminism. The debate tends to oscillate between those who think that feminism and logic are totally incompatible fields of thought, and those who consider them  compatible, and in need of a renewed and integrated reformulation. In this workshop we will look into the status of the contemporary debates on the topic "logic and feminism".


09:00-09:15 Welcome and Coffee / tea

09:15-10:30: Sara Ayhan (she/her) Ruhr University Bochum
Feminist logic(s): Potentials, challenges and the case of contradictions 

10:30-10:45: Coffee / tea break

10:45-12:00: Roy T. Cook (Zoom) (University of Minnesota - Twin Cities)
Queering Consequence: A Framework for Liberatory Logics

12:00-13:30: Lunch (Christie Café)

13:30-14:45: Sara Uckelman (Zoom), (Durham University)
Logic as Liberation, or, Logic, Feminism, and Being a Feminist in Logic 

14:45-15:00: Coffee / tea break

15:00-16:15: Franci Mangraviti (they) (University of Padova)
Demystifying feminist logic

Commentator: Torfinn Huvenes (University of Bergen)

16:15-16:30: Coffee / tea break

16:30-17:45: Lukas Skiba, (University of Bergen)
Stebbing on Relations

19:45: Social dinner (Enhjørningen)

The participants will give a 45-minute presentation. After the break, there will either be a comment (ca.10 minss), followed by a Q&A session, or just a Q&A session.