The Centre on the Europeanization of Norwegian Law

Relaunch of the EFTA-studies blog

Centenol has together with its partners in Liechtenstein and Reykjavik started a relaunch of the EFTA-studies blog

Faculty of Law, University of Bergen

Main content

Centenol has together with its partners in Liechtenstein and Reykjavik started a relaunch of the EFTA-studies blog. The aim of the blog is to provide readers with both shorter updates and longer analyses on topical EEA issues both from a legal and social scientific perspective, thus providing up to date information on the EFTA states' relations with the EU. The blog will also provide information about relevant events, such as webinars and conferences.

You can access the blog here. Stay tuned for more updates, and please spread the word. If you wish to contribute with a post, please contact one of the editors Christian Franklin, Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen, Georges Baur or Christian Frommelt.