
News archive for CENTENOL

A new blog post has been published on EFTA-studies.org about the 2024 Norwegian EEA Review. The post is authored by Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen, professor at the University of Bergen and member of the 2022-2024 EEA Review Committee.
Centenol has together with its partners in Liechtenstein and Reykjavik started a relaunch of the EFTA-studies blog
Last weekend, members of CENTENOL visited Helsinki and Reykjavik.
The University of Stavanger currently has a job announcement for an exciting PhD position within EU/EEA law. The position is related to the UiB international research center for EU and EEA, CENTENOL.
We are thankful to Caroline and Martin for spending January with us at CENTENOL.
Ny artikkel av professor Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen i siste nummer av Lov og rett.
Juristforbundet ved Sjøfartsdirektoratet arrangerte 11. januar en fagdag med EØS-rett som tema. Professor Christian Franklin foreleste om EØS-rettslig metode, og da særlig om forholdet mellom primær- og sekundærretten. Førsteamanuensis Melanie Hack, snakket om samspillet mellom EU-EØS-rett og norsk arbeidsrett.
Professor Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen skriver at dersom man hverken er villig til å sette av mer ressurser eller til å spørre EU om hjelp, bør man vurdere å bare slutte med å oversette direktiver til norsk.
Professor Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen skriver i en kommentar på Rett24 at forholdet mellom EØS-avtalen, EFTA-konvensjonen og avtalene med Storbritannia er et problemkompleks som krever større oppmerksomhet enn det hittil har fått.
Director of CENTENOL Christian Franklin was invited to speak at a conference last week held by the Swedish Network for European Legal Studies (SNELS) in memory of Professor Ulf Bernitz.
An important part of Centenol´s work is to contribute to the teaching of EEA law to law students in Bergen.
"There is a great need for research on EU and EEA law," says Minister of Labour and Inclusion, Marte Mjøs Persen. The Minister was speaking at the opening of UiB's new Centre for the Europeanization of Norwegian Law, CENTENOL.
CENTENOL members contribute with updates on the commentary edition on the Immigration Act (Utlendingsloven),
CENTENOL´s managers will be supported by an advisory committee and a partner coordination group.
CENTENOL´s managers will be supported by an advisory committee and a partner coordination group.
This page will be updated as the researchers associated with CENTENOL carry out activities.
CENTENOL is a national and international cooperative venture, based around a research hub located at the University of Bergen’s Faculty of Law.