The Centre on the Europeanization of Norwegian Law

New book: Utlendingsloven. Lovkommentar 2. utgave

CENTENOL members contribute with updates on the commentary edition on the Immigration Act (Utlendingsloven),

Utlendingsloven 2.
A new commentary edition on the Immigration Act (Utlendingsloven) with adjustments is recently published.

Main content

The Immigration Act (Utlendingsloven) provides rules for foreigners' entry into the realm and their stay here. The law came into effect on January 1, 2010, and the first edition of this legal commentary was published the same year. Since then, the law has been amended several times. There have been several minor adjustments, but also significant changes. 

CENTENOL's director, Christian Franklin, together with Félix Olivier Helle, has authored comments on Chapter 13 in Terje Einarsen and Kjetil M. Larsen (ed.) Utlendingsloven – Lovkommentar 2. utgave, 2023. The chapter concerns foreigners covered by the EEA Agreement and the EFTA Convention (pp. 686–764). These are the provisions that implement the EU Citizenship Directive in Norwegian law. The chapter has been significantly updated from the previous edition in 2010, which was authored by Supreme Court Justice (and member of CENTENOL's Advisory Board) Henrik Bull. The review now assumes that EEA rules provide a general right to entry and residence in other EEA countries solely based on the foreigner's status as a citizen of an EEA country.