
The Centre on the Europeanization of Norwegian Law

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The Centre on the Europeanisation of Norwegian Law (CENTENOL) is a national and international cooperative centre, based around a research hub located at the University of Bergen’s Faculty of Law. The research carried out at CENTENOL will develop new knowledge beyond existing national and international legal research on EEA law and its impact on Norwegian law, particularly through its use of social scientific and international comparative perspectives. 

Contact: centenol@uib.no

Ómar Berg Rúnarsson

PhD Candidate Ómar Berg has joined CENTENOL

We are delighted to announce that Ómar Berg Rúnarsson has joined CENTENOL as a Ph.D. candidate. With his impressive academic background and experience in the field of law and EU/EEA law, we are confident that he will greatly contribute to CENTENOLs work and research agenda.

Potdoctoral Candidate
Linda Midtun

Linda Midtun is Centenol’s new Postdoctoral Candidate

We are very excited to announce that Linda Midtun is CENTENOL's new Postdoctoral Candidate. Her extensive knowledge and expertise in EU and EEA law will contribute greatly to CENTENOL's activities and research goals.

CENTENOL Conference

NNELS Conference in Bergen Highlights Nordic Perspectives on EU Law

On March 3, Bergen hosted the NNELS (Nordic Network for European Legal Studies) conference, bringing together legal scholars and practitioners from across the Nordic region. The event, hosted by The Centre on the Europeanization of Norwegian Law, focused on Nordic contributions to EU law and...

Bilde av foredragsholdere

Hybrid seminar on the future of the single market

Today, Centenol held its third hybrid seminar, titled "Where is the Single Market Heading?"

Blog post
Blog post

New blog post on EFTA-studies: The 2024 Norwegian EEA Review: Norway as an ever deeper integrated outsider

A new blog post has been published on EFTA-studies.org about the 2024 Norwegian EEA Review. The post is authored by Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen, professor at the University of Bergen and member of the 2022-2024 EEA Review Committee.


Contact: centenol@uib.no

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