Centre for Sustainable Area Management (CeSAM)

Vigdis Vandvik introduces 'the big debate about climate' at Arendalsuka

CeSAM and UiB were well represented this year at Arendalsuka, the political festival held in Arendal every summer.

Vigdis Vandvik presenting at Arendalsuka
Vandvik presenting at Arendalsuka
Youtube / Arendalsuka

Main content

Centre leader Vigdis Vandvik was invited to speak at the opening of ‘den store klimadebatten’; this being the first time that the University of Bergen was represented in the main program of Arendalsuka

In her speech, Vandvik talked about the crucial role of nature and biodiversity to help combat climate change, and that a land use policy that allows space for nature is essential. She highlighted that climate and nature are not competing special interests to society. Instead, they form the foundation of all we are and all we do.