Climate and energy transition

News archive for Climate and energy transition

Did you miss professor Ahmad Hemmati's presentation on Energy Informatics? Watch it here!
Wind energy has a very high potential for improvement, especially with regard to wake effects of the turbines within large wind farms. This work focuses the emphasis on potential of aerodynamically optimized wind park layouts and wake steering through yaw angle control.
Did you miss Jonas Solbakken and Velaug Myrseth Oltedal's presentation of HyValue? Watch it here!
For three days, people from more than 100 countries have contributed to the discussion about the sustainable development goals. But the program leaders of the digital conference asks if the debate is broad and radical enough.
At Centre for climate and energy transformation (CET) we are looking for a full time research assistant for one year. Deadline March 5th!
A new review in Science reveals the quick and accumulating impacts of humans in the Amazon – and nature will likely not be able to keep up. This new paper developed by CESAM member Suzette Flantua reveals the magnitude of the drivers of deforestation and degradation in the Amazon and lists the transformative policy actions needed to safeguard the region and consequently global climate.
Kjetil Våge and ROVER investigate the consequences of a changing climate along the sea-ice edge off the east coast of Greenland. The European Research Council supports his efforts with a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant.
In December 2022, two years after it was planned, 196 nations signed on to the historic Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF).
A new approach developed by the group of CESAM member Peter Manning uses a mixture of natural and social science methods to identify the land-use strategies that work best for the multiple stakeholder groups that use them.
Did you miss Peter Koch's presentation on green propulsion in shipping? Watch it here!
CET Lunches, conferences and breakfast meetings; here's an overview of our planned events for the semester.
Our associate professor Silje Kristiansen got accepted into UiB's career development program Momentum for 2023!
On December 19th, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) was adopted at the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in Montreal. A landmark deal for conservation and management of nature and protection of biodiversity worldwide, this framework sets ambitious goals for how humanity should move forward to achieve the Convention of Biodiversity’s Vision “Living in Harmony... Read more
How is the use of language about "shame" in questions about climate change received by the older generations of Norwegians (65+), and what does talking about shame accomplish? Should we rather talk about responsibility or guilt?
Did you miss Dr. Abdullah Al Arif's presentation on how offshore wind farms (OWFs) and fisheries interact within a climate change context? Watch the recorded webinar here!
Did you miss Jon O. Hellevang's presentation on seabed minerals and their role in the green shift? Watch it here!
Did you miss Runar Strand and Anne Jordal's presentation "Decision-making tools for roof-mounted solar panels"? Watch it here!
