Department of Clinical Science

Research Strategies 2021-2024

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K2 research strategy 2021-2024

Research (R)

R1: K2 must by the end of 2024 over a five-year period from 2019 have a significant increase in at least three different publication parameters*

1: Obtain detailed information on various publication parameters for the entire department and for each individual research group every two years.

2: Improve article writing skills through course; Create an overview of good science writers.

3: Create and distribute an annual overview of level 2 journals and approved publication channels within K2-relevant subject areas.

4: Employees at K2 are encouraged to publish in open access.

R2: By the end of 2024, over a six-year period from 2018, K2 must have a significant increase in externally funded research (Helse Vest, BMFS, BFS, KG Jebsen, NFR, ERC, EU etc.).

1: Maintain a structured plan for application writing (finance and pre-review by experienced PI) with an emphasis on NFR, BFS, ERC and SFF.

2: Offer project and group managers an introduction to financial management through Tableau.

3: Ensure that the research consultant follows up current announcements with publication in K2 news and on the website.

R3: K2 must have increased and qualitatively improved local, national and international research collaboration by the end of 2024

1: Use different local arenas (for example K1/K2 seminar and K1/K2 Annual Retreat) with rotating responsibilities among the institutes' group leaders.

2: Increase inbound and outbound international mobility through various measures, for example requirements when hiring PhD/postdoc applications for > 6 months stay abroad and encouraging the use of UiB infrastructure for visitors.


Teaching (T)

T1: K2 must have established a good structure for improving and evaluating teaching by the end of 2024

1: Ensure that teachers receive training and actively use TP, Mitt UiB, Inspera and MCQ.

2: Ensure that student evaluations are carried out and assess individual forms of evaluation.

3: Make our teachers confident about digital and new forms of teaching and make the necessary equipment available, including familiarization with the study administration.

4: Focus in particular on training and inclusion of employees in 20% positions and at collaborating hospitals.

T2: K2 must each year have individuals/teaching environments that stand out for particularly good teaching

1: Work to ensure that K2 becomes part of the Center for Outstanding Teaching together with other teaching environments.

2: Prioritize good teachers in local salary negotiations.

3: Promote the Merited Teacher prize and the offers at the Learning Unit annually and throughout the period.

T3: K2 must actively implement the Vestlandslegen during the entire period

1: Strengthen regional teaching collaboration with at least one annual cross-regional collaboration meeting and ensure regional participation in Teaching Seminars and UGLE meetings. Carry out own, local meetings with staff at collaborating hospitals.

2: K2 must have a leading role in increasing skills training for students by developing the Skills Centre, skills lists and OSKE.

3: K2 will develop optional courses for as many of its subject areas as possible.

4: Continuous assessment of the need for teaching in the case of new hires and extensions, especially at collaborating hospitals and in clinical teaching.

5: Learn from the study plan Medicine 2015 by being an active contributor to the evaluation (planned 2021).

T4: Rollout of the Teaching Group Leader (UGLE) structure at K2

1: Hold regular UGLE meetings.

2: Orient the institute about the UGLE organisation.

3: Prepare overviews of which groups our teachers belong to.

Innovation (I)

I1: K2 must encourage education in innovation at all levels in the organisation

1: The leadership group will promote innovation courses such as the ELMED223 course for our students.

2: Students taking a master's degree or doctoral course must be encouraged to participate in creative meeting points, such as the Innovation Hub and Start Bergen.

3: Encourage FGL to carry out courses in innovation and innovative thinking.

I2: Annual dedicated FORUM meeting with innovation on the agenda and the research groups present the group's innovation work, for example grouped as under:

1: 'hard innovation' which is suitable for patenting and commercialization in the private sector (read: start-up business). Typically new products, designs, production processes that can be defined, defined and sold.

2: 'soft innovation' which is not directly commercializable. Ex. better routines in health services, new forms of teaching and social innovations.

3: "Responsible innovation" is about new solutions having to be sustainable not only economically but also socially.

4: "Open innovation" involves sharing ideas across organizations and silos in order to combine these into even better ideas.


Recruitment, infrastructure and competence (RIC)

RIC1 K2 shall continue to emphasize merit-based** and/or needs-based# criteria for the recruitment and employment of permanent scientific I and II positions

1: Prepare an overview of expected natural departures, and create a recruitment plan for all job categories / professional areas with a focus on merit**, needs# and gender balance.

2: K2 shall stimulate research group leaders to identify outstanding internal and external (foreign) candidates and enrol candidates to the Head of Department, follow them up with career advice from a research adviser.

3: Implement career development as part of the research education.

4: Create a structure and information package for the reception of employees, especially permanent academics in the main position.

RIC2: During the period, K2 must be able to demonstrate increased availability of the technology platforms and heavier equipment.

1: Contribution towards a standardized common web format for all four platforms, as well as establishing an interactive website with a list of advanced equipment / heavier equipment at the faculty.

2: Establish a structure or website with information about available equipment / heavier equipment, which is a searchable web list of the institute's equipment and contact information.

RIC3: K2 must have completed a strategic investment in optimal use of technical positions by mid-2022

1: Carry out regular mapping of competence and tasks within the technician group.

2: Identify new needs within technology development and new professional fields.

3: Map and assess a possible redistribution of technical resources at K2.


Health, safety and environment (HSE)

HSE1: K2 must be a safe and good workplace without work-related injuries

1: Regular, and at least annual, update of the HSE manual.

2: Introduce and regularly use CIM / ROS to identify risks in the work environment.

3: Increased focus on the use of the HSE deviation system for all employees and handling of the cases.

4: HSE action plan for K2 must be updated annually, with measurable measures.

HSE2: K2 must have a good working community

1: Carry out an annual survey of the psychosocial working environment.

2: All employees in a main position must conduct an employee interview.

3: Make the research group structure clear to all employees, so that everyone knows their immediate supervisor.

4: Present new employees, employee of the week and research groups in K2 news.

Dissemination (D)

D1: Promote dissemination of K2's research and make K2 more visible in society and at UiB

1: Establish an annual meeting point for collaboration between the Communications Adviser and academic staff.

*parameters: number of articles, number of level 2 articles, number of citations, number of articles with local first author, number of articles with local last author

**Merits: heavy publications with a high citation rate and key author roles, increasing trend in publication quality and quantity, early achievement of a high h-index and demonstrated independence and ability to obtain external funding, teaching

#needs: subject areas with teaching needs, new subject areas (for example, regenerative medicine, bioinformatics, etc.)