Centre for Deep Sea Research

Physiological state of microbes and microbial community dynamics in the deep sedimentary biosphere

PhD project of Renee Hageman

Main content

Project title

Physiological state of microbes and microbial community dynamics in the deep sedimentary biosphere


Steffen Leth Jørgensen and Bjarte Hannisdal

Project description

Microorganisms in the deep sea sedimentary biosphere live under severe energy limitation by residing under high pressure, low temperature, and low availability of organic matter. Therefore, deep sea sediments was long believed to be uninhabitable for live. More and more evidence shows that deep sea microorganisms are more likely to be active than dormant or dead despite their continuously limited metabolism. During the PhD project we aim to elucidate more of the activities of microorganism in deep sea sediments by using DNA and RNA combined with reactive transport modelling.