Program: The 3rd B-G-B Workshop on Experimental Political Science
Main content
DAY 1: Monday April 24th
Session 1: Chair – Peter Esaiasson 9-12:30. 9: Welcome and intro
9:15: Paper 1
Sergi Pardos-Prado, University of Oxford.
“Tax Progressivity, ethnic diversity, and support for redistribution”
Discussant: Stefan Dahlberg, University of Bergen and University of Gothenburg.
10:00: Paper 2
Sveinung Arnesen, Troy Broderstad, Mikael Johannesson, and Jonas Linde, University of Bergen.
“The Wiggle Room of Democracy: How Turnout, Majority Size, and Outcome Favorability Influence the Legitimacy of Referendums”
Discussant: Mike Tomz, Stanford University.
10:45-11: Coffee Break
11:00: Paper 3
Alexandra Scacco, New York University.
“Can Social Contact Reduce Prejudice and Discrimination? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Nigeria”
Discussant: Johanna Söderström, University of Bergen
11:45: Paper 4
Miquel Pellicer, University College Dublin.
“Efficacy, Blame Attribution, and Protest Scope: Findings from a survey experiment in South Africa”
Discussant: Eva Anduiza, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
12:30 Lunch
14-15:30: Keynote lecture
Diana Mutz, U Penn.
"My Country First? Reconciling Survey and Experimental Findings on Trade Preferences"
Session 2: Chair Jordi Munoz 16-17:30
16:00: Paper 5
Annerose Nisser, University of Konstanz.
“Ethnic Politics and Cross-Ethnic Representation: A Field Experiment”
Discussant: Alexandra Scacco, New York University
16:45: Paper 6
Dominik Duell, University of Essex.
“Social Identity and the Attribution of Blame”
Discussant: Eric Dickson, New York University.
17:30: End Day 1
20: Workshop Dinner @ Colonialen, Litteraturhuset
Day 2: Tuesday April 25th
Session 3: Chair – Stefan Dahlberg 9-12:30
9:00: Paper 7
Eva Anduiza, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
“Turnout and expected turnout in protest events”
Discussant: Ann-Kristin Kölln, Leuven
9:45: Paper 8
Eric Dickson, New York University.
“Profiling in the Lab: How Group Targeting by Law Enforcement Affects Legitimacy and Compliance”
Discussant: Peter Esaiasson, University of Gothenburg
10:30-10:45: Coffee Break
10:45: Paper 9
Lise Bjånesøy, University of Bergen.
“Patterns of legitimacy on the far right”
Discussant: Sergi Pardos-Prado, University of Oxford.
11:30: Paper 10
Ann-Kristin Kölln, KU Leuven.
“Conjoint Experiments on Political Support for Governmental Spending Profiles”
Discussant: Dominik Duell, Essex
12:30: Lunch
Session 4: Chair – Elisabeth Ivarsflaten 13:30-17:00.
13:30: Paper 11
Steven Finkel and Christian Gineste, University of Pittsburgh.
“Where Terror Lies: Social Desirability and Support for Violent Extremism in the Sahel”
Discussant: Jordi Munoz, University of Barcelona.
14:15: Paper 12
Honorata Mazepus, Leiden University.
“Normative and Material Arguments of the EU and Russia: What Appeals to Citizens in Eastern European Countries?”
Discussant: Diana Mutz, UPenn
15-15:15: Coffee Break
15:15: Paper 13
J. Andrew Harris, New York University -- Abu Dhabi.
“Judicial Decisions as Public Goods Provision: An Experiment to Improve Legal Process and Outcomes in Kenya.”
Discussant: Peter Lown, Essex University
16:00: Paper 14
Konstantin Glinitzer, University of Vienna.
“Does social distance decrease support for politicians? Evidence from conjoint experiments in three countries”
Discussant: Mikael Johannesson, University of Bergen.
16:45: Closing remarks
17:00: END Workshop
Diana Mutz (keynote speaker), University of Pennsylvania.
Mike Tomz (invited guest, PhD course provider), Stanford University.
Peter Esaiasson (co-convener), University of Gothenburg.
Jordi Munoz (co-convener), University of Barcelona.
Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (host), University of Bergen.
Stefan Dahlberg, University of Bergen.
Eric Dickson, New York University.
Eva Anduiza, University of Barcelona.
Lise Bjånesøy, University of Bergen.
Sveinung Arnesen, University of Bergen.
Alexandra Scacco, New York University.
Annerose Nisser, University of Konstanz.
Dominik Duell, University of Essex.
Honorata Mazepus, Leiden University.
Miquel Pellicer, University College Dublin.
Konstantin Glinitzer, University of Vienna.
Sergi Pardos-Prado, University of Oxford.
J. Andrew Harris, New York University.
Ann-Kristin Kölln, University of Leuven.
Jonas Linde, University of Bergen.
Mikael Johannesson, University of Bergen.
Erik Knudsen, University of Bergen.
Endre Tvinnereim, University of Bergen.
Patrick Lown, University of Essex.
Johanna Søderstrøm, University of Bergen.
Troy Broderstad, University of Bergen.