Poetry and Philosophy in the Light of Plato's Protagoras
You are hereby invited to the international symposium "Poetry and Philosophy in the Light of Plato's Protagoras" 4-6 June 2014, organized by the Plato project “Poetry and Philosophy” of the research group Ancient Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Bergen.

Main content
The conference is part of the Norwegian Research Council-funded project Poetry and Philosophy. Poetical and Argumentative Elements in Plato´s Philosophy, and will gather Plato researchers both domestic and from abroad. Keynote speaker is Marina McCoy, Professor of Philosophy at Boston College, USA.
Participation is free and will include lunch 4 and 5 June, as well as dinner 4 June. There will also be dinner on 5 June at the restaurant "Hanne på Høyden" (which participants must pay for themselves).
For registration, please contact Kirsten Bang no later than 19 May. Participants are also asked to specify whether they will join for dinner.
The conference program is attached to the right on this page.