
University of Bergen

Department of Philosophy

Upcoming events for Department of Philosophy

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Week 13

Today 26th March (0)

There are no events on this day

Tomorrow 27th March (1)

‘Living Unrest and Excitement’ – Grammars of Responsibility (Guest lecture)

Week 14

Monday 31st March (1)

Gayatri Spivak: Teaching for a broken world (Seminar)

Week 17

25th April (1)

Consent to Ulysses Contracts (Lecture)

Week 21

19th May (1)

Introduction to Causal Data Analysis & Modeling with Coincidence Analysis (Workshop)
Starts - Event ends at 22.05.2025

22nd May (1)

Introduction to Causal Data Analysis & Modeling with Coincidence Analysis (Workshop)

23rd May (1)

4th International Conference on Current Issues in Coincidence Analysis (Conference)
Starts - Event ends at 24.05.2025

24th May (1)

4th International Conference on Current Issues in Coincidence Analysis (Conference)

Week 24

13th June (1)

Big Picture Theories of Normative Ethics (Workshop)