Employee Pages
EU funding

Project Establishment Support (PES)

The PES scheme by the Research Council of Norway is designed to relieve the cost burden related to the preparation of project proposals to Horizon Europe.

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We are implementing a new system for PES for 2025-27 - the page will be updated continously.

UiB administers an three-year framework grant from the Research Council of Norway (RCN) to cover UiB’s Project Establishment Support (PES). Researchers cannot directly apply to the RCN for these funds, but must inform their department about their plans and submit an authorization form*. The faculty and units have their own procedures for this. A copy of the authorization form should be sent to the Local contact point for the relevant funding program.

PES-Project establishment funding (PES)

  • Researchers who are in the process of writing an application related to Horizon Europe (HEU) may use PES money up to a certain cap defined by the type of proposal. Please see the appliccable PES rates below.
  • The Department/unit will advance these funds.
  • Faculties/Departments will be reimburesed for their spending based on the Horizon Europe applications that are registered as sent in Unit4
  • Note: PES support will only be reimbursed if the submitted project proposal is formally approved (“eligible”) by the European Commission.

PES grants cover expenses in relation to activities that help strengthening proposals to Horizon Europe-related proposals, e.g.:

  • Travel, accomodation and meeting costs. 
  • Procurement of external assistance and consultation, e.g. for proposal writing support and graphic services. Ordering external consultation must be done by a purchaser at your institute. UiB has signed a framework agreement for pre-award services
  • Compensation/refund for work done in relation to a specific Horizon Europe-application. 
  • Cost of partner search/establishment of project consortium.
  • Search in patent databases.

The Research Council of Norway offers free external consultancy services from PNO to HEU applicants for grant application review or for mentoring and concept development. If you need free consultation, please contact the local contact point for the relevant program. They will ensure that the Research Council identifies a suitable PNO consultant for your application.