- UiB
- Employee Pages
- Competence
Courses and competence development
Here you will find an overview of courses and competence offers for employees at UiB.
Main content
For HSE courses, see the course page on the HSE portal.
Courses for experienced researchers see the course page at UiB Ferd.
Digital working day
- Training: Digital working day
- Safety and security learning (e-learning)
- Data protection and data security (e-learning)
Does your faculty/unit want to create an e-learning course?
Contact the HR Departpent through UiBhjelp.
For administration
- Archive (in Norwegian)
- Introduction course to ePhorte archive (e-learning, in Norwegian)
- For student mentors (e-learning, in Norwegian)
- KUSK - For new student consultants (in Norwegian)
For leaders
- Archive (in Norwegian)
- BOTT, UNIT4 ERP (finance management system)
- Budgeting (e-learning in Norwegian)
- Introduction course to ePhorte archive (e-learning, in Norwegian)
- Introductory package for new leaders (e-learning, in Norwegian)
- Risk evaluation (e-learning, in Norwegian)
- SAP and the Self-Service Portal (payroll- and personnel system)
Competance development for leaders (in Norwegian)
Courses by the HR Department (in Norwegian)
Shared digital learning platform in the state (Difi-courses, in Norwegian)
For new personnel
Finances, personell and payrolls
- BOTT, UNIT4 ERP (finance management system)
- Budgeting (e-learning in Norwegian)
- SAP and the Self-Service Portal (payroll- and personnel system)
Skills resources for employees at UiB
Technical and administrative staff
Technical and administrative staff at UiB can apply for financial support for skills development initiatives outside the university. Funds have been set aside for training at the faculties and in the central administration*. A prerequisite for support is that the individual unit covers a corresponding amount. A similar arrangement applies to the University Library and the University Museum in Bergen.
Applications must be sent to the immediate manager.
- Employees at units under a faculty send an application to the faculty secretariat.
- Employees at the University Library and the University Museum send applications to their administration.
Application form for funds for training
Scientific staff
The faculties organize support for academic staff, contact your local department administration for more information on financial support.
* Application for skills funding from the central administration
Technical and administrative employees in the central administration and at units other than those mentioned above send applications through ePhorte or Elements to the HR department. (The faculties, the University Library and Bergen Museum have their own funds. Employees who work here must contact their unit.)
What can you apply to the central administration about?
Funds for skills development can be applied for based on the employee's wishes and the university's needs. The HR department can cover up to 50% of the course/conference fee. Amounts below NOK 3,000 will not be supported.
- We assume that the remaining course fees, materials, travel expenses and living expenses will be covered by agreement with the head of your own unit.
The application form for funds for training must be signed by the manager and sent through ePhorte or Elements to the HR department.
Application processing
Each case will be assessed individually. We cannot guarantee that everyone will be covered for course/conference fees.
Competence development for external funding and research support
UiB Opp is UiB's competence program to support the institution's growing need for research support, and for knowledge about external funding related to both research, education and innovation. The program is open to employees who want to develop in the fields of research support or external funding. The BOA team is responsible for the programme.
UiB Opp offers BOA courses at two levels within external funding and research support for employees. For more information about the courses, see the course page of UiB Opp (NO).
For questions about courses or competence development, please reach out to the HR department through uibhjelp.