Operating model for www.uib.no
The operating model for www.uib.no is to ensure that the organisation participates in the development of UiB's website.
Main content
The Communication division at the University of Bergen is the system owner of uib.no and the Director General of the division is the editor in charge of the website.
Management and operation of uib.no
The website section of the Communication division is to assist the University's website editors and operatives at all levels by facilitating their work, act as a point of contact and provide expert advice.
The website section shall administer the University's website in accordance with the overarching strategies, adopted guidelines, and applicable laws and regulations.
The Communication division shares responsibility for a functional and stable website with the IT Department. The IT Department has primary responsibility for the technical platform, server performance, facilitating the integration and migration of data to/from other UiB systems, system updates and general IT security.
The content on www.uib.no is maintained and produced by staff across UiB. The uib.no front page and the www.uib.no/aktuelt service are managed by the Communication division.
Organisation in the units
The operating model defines a unit as a level (Faculty and the University Museum) and thematic area (education, research, internationalisation and University Library). It is up to each Faculty and/or entity in charge of a thematic area to decide on the further organisation of the website work at subsidiary levels.
The model distinguishes between i) website editor and ii) the persons in charge of operations in a unit.
i) The role as a website editor is not tied to operations: the website editor is in charge of the unit's website. This role is associated with the unit's management.
ii) The persons in charge of operations are two or more "superusers" in each unit who have specific tasks and rights in the system. They replace the previous local website editor role. The operating model refers to these users as "Operative role 2".
The network objective is to anchor management responsibilities for the various units and ensure that the organisation participates in the development of the website.
The networks shall
- be important drivers of quality assurance and content updates
- coordinate compliance with requirements applicable to public websites
- create the space for good dialogue about development wishes and changes
- report technical problems
The networks are divided into one Faculty network (incl. the University Museum) and one thematic network.
The website section of the Communication division is the secretariat for the network meetings and brings matters to the management group for the UiB website so that the group can make decisions and set priorities.
For more information, see University management's letter to the organisation about the new operations model for uib.no