Employee Pages

Contact the Communication division

Report your needs to the Communication division, or contact the communication adviser in your Faculty.

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Contact persons at the Faculties:

The Communication division consists of four groups divided into two sections and support staff. 

Support staff

The support staff has administrative tasks related to the operation of the division and are responsible for the Marketing shop (Profilbutikken).

Adviser: Linn Therese Nicolaysen Hauan

Section for the Communications Desk and Faculty Support

The section consists of two groups. 

Gruppe for desk og fakultetsstøtte includes a central desk that produces and coordinates materials for UiB's main channels online, on paper and in social media, as well as the communication advisers working in the Faculties. 

Group leaders: Odd Vegard Kandal-Wright and Ida Bergstrøm

Gruppe for prosjekt og profilering is in charge of internal communication, project support, communication support for subsidised and commissioned activities and events organised by UiB centrally, such as the Christie conference. 

Group leader: Jørgen Thune Johnsen

Section for web and design

Web and design is responsible for graphic design online and on paper, for website development and for the administration of uib.no. 

Contact: Trine Elise Roness