Employee Pages

How to advertise UiB events

Tips about how to advertise your event to UiB students, staff and people outside of UiB.

Main content

What is your event about?

Describe your event: be brief and specific. Who, what, when and where? An exciting and descriptive title is always good.

Target groups

Events rarely work for "everyone". Define your main and subsidiary target groups: students, staff and/or managers at UiB, media, others?
Are your target groups located in one or more academic communities, departments, faculties, industries, professions?

Communication channels

Select some channels, depending on what you think works best for your target groups and message – here are some options.  Start planning well in advance!

Communication plan template (Only in Norwegian)

Target group: Students

  • My UiB is an important channel. Contact the Division of Student Affairs on The UiBhjelp Service Portal to request having a notice entered in the system.
  • Add the event to your unit's website and in the calendar on www.uib.no/kalender. Contact your local website contact
  • See if you can have a notice put on local information screens and/or put up posters. 
  • Tips Studvest via studvest@uib.no
  • Use social media to spread information, or contact desk@uib.no with a request to have the event posted in one of UiB's central channels.
  • Inform students in their classes - contact student representatives or provide the information yourself.

Target group: Employees

  • Enter the event as a calendar item on the Employee pages. Contact your local local website contact or The Communication Division on The UiBhjelp Service Portal
  • Tips the editorial team in charge of the employee pages on The UiBhjelp Service Portal
  • Tips UiB's internal newspaper På høyden (interndesk@uib.no)
  • Consider using local information screens or putting up posters.
  • Can you provide information during meetings (a general meeting, departmental meeting, section meeting, etc.)?
  • Send an email invitation to managers and/or those you want to invite directly.
  • Consider sending an invitation by internal mail.

External target groups

Channels to use if the event is open to and relevant for the general public:

Media coverage

Do you want to invite media to cover your event or report on it ahead of time? Journalists rarely attend conferences, but often produce stories about research results and issues that are highlighted during a conference. You have a better chance of your story being covered if you offer one media outlet or journalist an exclusive ahead of time.

Our most important advice:

  • Be early. The most important parts of your media work take place far in advance of the conference.
  • Set aside resources for media work. It is time-consuming to do a good media relations job before a conference, and those who succeed almost always have someone in charge of media relations only. 
  • Contact the relevant editorial board directly. Also see "When you contact the journalist"
  • Consider writing a guest article in advance
  • Notify NTB's news calendar about the event. Email vaktsjef@ntb.no using the subject line "Til nyhetskalender". Include information about the event. Be brief. Remember to include a contact person and a link to more information or a calendar listing on uib.no.
  • You can contact The Communication Division on The UiBhjelp Service Portal for advice about media coverage.