Cosmogenic Laboratory
Earthlab Cosmogenic Nuclide (CN) Preparation Facility
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In-situ Cosmogenic Nuclides (CN) are produced in minerals as a result of secondary cosmic radiation. The cosmogenic nuclides 10Be, 14C, 21Ne and 26Al are, for instance produced in quartz, and the concentration of single or multiple nuclides can provide information on the duration of 1) exposure to cosmic-ray particles (i.e. exposure dating), 2) shielding from cosmic-ray particles (i.e. burial dating), and 3) surface denudation, sedimentation and fault slip rates. Cosmogenic nuclides are utilised in a wide range of applications in Earth Science concerned with establishing the timing of geological events and the rates of geological processes. Examples are dating of glacial landforms, fault scarps, rock avalanches.
The UiB Earthlab CN Preparation Facility performs mineral separation, quartz cleaning and extraction of Be and Al from quartz-bearing rock and sediment samples for AMS analysis. Cleaned quartz can also be subject to analysis of C and Ne. The preparation facility can also be booked for Pollen preparation.
The UiB CN Preparation Facility is organising the 4th Nordic Workshop on Cosmogenic Nuclide Techniques in June 2018. For information, contact Henriette Linge (