Department Board and Commitees at Department of Earth Science
As advisory and preparatory committees in support of the head of department, there are institute councils, research education committees, program boards and the students' specialist committees.
Main content
Department Board
The members in the Department Board is elected. The other committees are appointed by the head of department. The committees often follow the same period as the Department Board. Group A and C are selected for 4-year periods. Group B and D are elected for 1 year at a time.
Group A: Permanent scientific staff
Group B: Temporary academic staff including research fellows (stipendiat)
Group C: Technical and administrative staff
Group D: Students
Members of the Institute board 2021-2025 | Deputy for the Institute board: |
Group A:
| Group A: |
Group B:
| Group B: 1. Hakan Heggernes 2. Helene Meling Stemland |
Group C:
| Group C: 1. Olav Audun Bjørkelund |
Group D:
| Group D: 1. Ole Skår Jøsok 2. Stine Grindheim |
Safety representative (with the right to attend):
Leo Zijerveld (vara: Lubna Sami Jawad Al-Saadi)
Administrasjonssjef Andrea Grimnes
Medlemmer Forskerutdanningsutvalget 2024
Gruppe A:
Geodynamikk og bassengstudier: Joachim Jacobs (leder) - vara: Ritske Huismans
Kvartærgeologi & Paleoklima: Henriette Linge - vara:
Geokjemi og geobiologi: Eoghan Reeves - vara:
Geofysikk: Morten Jakobsen - vara: Lars Ottemöller
Gruppe B: Hakan Heggernes - vara: Ingvild Aarrestad
Sekretær: Anders B. Kulseng
Program Board BSc and MSc programmes in Earth Science
Members Autumn 2024
Group A:
Leader: Isabelle Lecomte
Quaternary Geology and Paleoclimate: Jostein Bakke (Vara: Andreas Born)
Geophysics: Stephane Rondenay
Geochemistry and Geobiology: Bjarte Hannisdal (Vara: Desiree Roerdink)
Geodynamics and Basin Studies: William Helland-Hansen
Group D:
- Julie Christoffersen
- Julie Sel Herikstad
Observatører med talerett:
Observatør med talerett: Håvard Vrålstad (study section), Anders B. Kulseng (study section), Vilde Dimmen (study section), Thomas Thuesen (iEarth co-ordinator), Atle Rotevatn (Head of Department), Berit O. Hjelstuen (Head of Education)
Vilde Dimmen
Program Board BSc programme in Earth Science and Informatics
Members Autumn 2024
Leader: Harald Walderhaug
Secretary: Anders Kulseng
Representatives: Benjamin Robson (Department of Earth Science), Gidske Leknæs Andersen (Department of geography) and representatives for the students, Department of Informatics and Department of Information Science and Media Studies
Student Committee at GEO - Fagutvalget
Students at the Department of Geosciences are looked after by the important work that the Geosciences subject committee does.
The subject committee is the students' welfare body that connects the students with the department. The subject committee has representatives on the department council and the program board and represents the students' cause in these committees.
They hold GEOrakel, in odd-numbered weeks, in the basic GEO subjects. Here you can have a waffle while you work.
The subject committee also organizes the master's students' reading room places and arranges academic and social meeting evenings during the semester, and makes order lists for the "Room-B-Porphyr" kitchen.
The subject committee elects representatives shortly after New Year's each year. Invitations to the meeting are sent out by email and on social media in advance of the meeting.
Here are the new board:
Rasmus Dobloug Markussen (
● Leder
● Arrangementansvarlig
Linus Kornelius Jänen Bjørke (
● Nestleder● Programstyre-representant vara
● RU representant
Camilla Moldekleiv (
● Lesesalsansvarlig
● Sponsor
● RU vara
Filip Håfjeld Rivenæs (
● Økonomiansvarlig
● Programstyre-representant
Henriette Brændvang Skogstad (
● PR/SoMe ansvarlig
● TerraByte kontakt'
Ida Valhovd (
● Økonomi
● iEarth-kontakt
Jonas Spilde (
● Mjøllnir kontakt
● Arrangementansvarlig
Lenya Kamal Karim ( )
● Programstyre-representant
● Arrangementsansvarlig
● Sponsor
Tiffany Ajayi (
● Programstyre
● Seismologen kontakt/SPE
Vilde Myhre (
● Seismologen kontakt/SPE
● PR/SoMe
I tillegg er det representanter i instituttets instituttråd valgt frem til august her.
Lunsjrom "Rom-B-Porfyr" ansvarlig: Fagutvalget
Geovitenskapelig Fagutvalg uib (facebook)
The board for the GEO students line association Mjøllnir
Mjøllnir is the line association for Geo Science students at the Department of Earth Science, at UiB.
Mjøllnir is run on a volunteer basis by and for students, and works continuously to create as good a social and professional geoscience environment as possible at the University of Bergen.
Mjøllnir's purpose is to establish a social network across cohorts and fields of study within the various fields of study, and especially within the fields of study at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
All members in Mjøllnir are voted for by the geology students at the Department of Geosciences. An annual meeting is organized once a year (at the start of the autumn semester), where the members of Mjøllnir's board are voted on. At the annual meeting, the roles of each of the individual positions are also presented.
We arrange week-ends, company presentations, Christmas parties, cabin tours, excursions, themed parties and lots of other fun!
Here is the new board:
Bjørnar Høyland Ulfeng | Leder | |
Sara Nyen | Nestleder | |
Thomas Efskind | Økonomiansvarlig | |
Synne Vignes | Sponsoransvarlig | |
Ingrid Alicia Ytrehus | Sponsoransvarlig | |
Anette Lydersen | Arrangementsansvarlig | |
Jonas Spilde | Arrangementsansvarlig | |
Emma Oline Braarud | PR/SOME-ansvarlig | |
Lars Bie Bersaas | Nettside | |
Silje Lea Sletten | Nexus Representant | |
Synnøve Blom | Øvrig medlem | |
Erling Nilsen | Øvrig medlem | |
Tobias Rødde | Øvrig medlem | |
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The board for the GEO students line association Seismologen
The seismologist is the geophysics line association at the Department of Geosciences, UiB.
The seismologist is run by and for the students, to provide as good a study environment as possible.
The seismologist often works with the geology students' line association, Mjøllnir, to ensure the best possible cohesion at Geoscience. Several social events are organized during the year, both on the course and next to it. Annual Geolympics are organised, in addition to toast Thursdays, barbecues, various tournaments and other festivities!
Kaja Anderssen Søreng | Leder | |
Ragnhild Jorde | Nestleder | |
Lisa Tysse | Økonomiansvarlig | |
Ina Refsnes | Sosiale medier ansvarlig | |
Åste Instanes | Arrangement ansvarlig | |
Tiffany Ewa Ajayi | Arrangement ansvarlig | |
Vilde Myhre | Næringslivsansvarlig | |
Leo Antoni Dominik Pichler | Nexus representant | |
Juan Carlos Gomez Aching | Sponsor ansvarlig | |
Liv Pham Nestaas | Øvrige medlem | |
Malte Sallan | Øvrige medlem | |
Johanne Rokstad | Øvrige medlem | |
Christina Ulvedal | Øvrige medlem | |
Mathilde Ødegaard Johnsen | Øvrige medlem | |
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iEarth CEE - student organisation
iEarth wants to promote a student-focused and innovative learning environment that empowers geoscience students to meet complex societal challenges.
iEarth actively supports students by contributing to and developing their education. This is done by promoting active learning, and fostering collaboration between students and staff on course and curriculum development.
We work for an approach where students can participate, which contributes to a sense of shared ownership, collaboration, lifelong learning and a better education.
The student organization in iEarth (departments at UiB, UiO, UiT and UNIS): a place where students can meet and discuss, initiate and drive the development of the education.
At UiB we have various events such as GEOrakel, Career Day, pub lectures, subject evaluation and other workshops throughout the semester.
Here is the list of members:
Siri Tungland | Leader | |
Kaja Friis Ruud | Deputy | |
Fredrik Paulsen | Georakel | |
Elias Halleland | Georakel | |
Lars Andreas Huseby | Economy | |
Ada Mascolo | SoMe | |
Vegard Pettersen | Social | |
Amalie Andersen | Course | |
Jacob Nygaard | Course | |
Ann Emelie Haugeberg | Member | |
Ingrid Helle | Member | |
Karoline Tysnes | Member | |
Tiril Sundal | Member | |
The Institute Board has been elected. The other committees are appointed by the head of department.
Group A:
Permanent scientific staff
Group B:
Temporary scientific staff incl PhD
Group C:
Technical and administrative staff
Group D:
The committees often follow the same period as the Institute Board. Group A and C are selected for 4-year periods. Groups B and D never sit for more than 1 year at a time.