Guidelines for deviaton misses and accidents
UiB's guidelines for deviation misses and accidents Deviation, near misses and accidents should always be reported. Further guidance on this and how it is done can be found here
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UiB's guidelines for deviation misses and accidents
Deviation, near misses and accidents should always be reported. Further guidance on this and how it is done can be found here
New system for HSE non-conformities
A new electronic report system for HSE non-conformities is implemented at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and the manual report system is no longer to be used.
The university wants all HSE non-conformities to be reported, in order to prevent and follow up injuries to people and harm to the environment and property. Knowledge about HSE non-conformities provides a basis for ensuring a fully satisfactory learning and working environment.
Employees and students who discover an HSE non-conformity shall fill out an electronic notification form:
The system is user-friendly and employees and students should be able to use the new system without training.
If you have queries or feed-back, contact Tove-Lise Størksen or Olaug Eiksund.
The new system will be implemented at the rest of the university during the spring of 2015, at the same time as the manual report system will be phased out.