29.08 | Bjørn Olav Steinsbu | Characterization of microorganisms from marine hydrothermal systems |
24.08 | Kirsten Möller | Transition metal isotope fractionation in marine hydrothermal deposits of the Mohns Ridge, North Atlantic Ocean |
22.06 | Sten-Andreas Grundvåg | Outcrop and subsurface characterization of shelf-margin clinoform systems: an integrated approach for understanding processes and controls of facies distribution and depositional architecture |
07.06 | Vaneeda Allken | Styles of rift interaction: a three-dimensional numerical study |
29.03 | Nil Irvani | Nord-Atlantisk klima i en varmere verden |
02.03 | Anna K. Ksienzyk | From mountains to basins: geochronological case studies from Southwestern Norway, Western Australia and East Antarctica |
24.01 | Charlotte Fillon | Spatial and Temporal variations in Cenozoic exhumation of the Pyrenean-Cantabrian mountain belt: coupling between tectonics and surface processes or here. |