Publications on radiation
Data from the Radiation Observatory have been used in different publications in the radiation field. Here, a list of some of these publications is given:
Main content
International papers
1. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1984, A probability density function for daily insolation within the temperate storm belts. SOLAR ENERGY 33, 533-542 & 36, 479 (1986), DOI: 10.1016/0038-092X(84)90008-2
2. SKARTVEIT, A. and J.A. OLSETH 1986, Modelling slope irradiance at high latitudes. SOLAR ENERGY, 36, 333-344, DOI: 10.1016/0038-092X(86)90151-9
3. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1986, The solar radiation climate of Norway. SOLAR ENERGY, 37, 423-428, DOI: 10.1016/0038-092X(86)90033-2
4. SKARTVEIT, A. and J.A. OLSETH 1987, A model for the diffuse fraction of hourly global radiation. SOLAR ENERGY, 38, 271-274, DOI: 10.1016/0038-092X(87)90049-1
5. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1987, A probability density model for hourly total and beam irradiance on arbitrarily orientated planes. SOLAR ENERGY, 39, 343-351, DOI: 10.1016/S0038-092X(87)80020-8
6. SKARTVEIT, A. and J.A. OLSETH 1988, Some simple formulas for multiple Rayleigh scattered irradiance. SOLAR ENERGY, 41, 19-20, DOI: 10.1016/0038-092X(88)90110-7
7. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1989, Observed and modelled hourly luminous efficacies under arbitrary cloudiness. SOLAR ENERGY, 42, 221-233, DOI: 10.1016/0038-092X(89)90014-5
8. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1989, Detailed information derived from monthly mean global radiation. SUN AT WORK IN EUROPE, No. 7, April 1989, 6-8.
9. SKARTVEIT, A. and J.A. OLSETH 1992, The probability density and autocorrelation of short-term global and beam irradiance. SOLAR ENERGY, 49, 477-487 (Honoured by the ISES Best Paper Award 1995), DOI: 10.1016/0038-092X(92)90155-4
10. SKARTVEIT, A. and J.A. OLSETH 1993, The intrahour variability of solar irradiance. ENERGY SOURCES, 15, 105-116, DOI: 10.1080/0090831930890901
11. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1993, The characteristics of hourly global irradiance modelled from cloud data. SOLAR ENERGY, 51, 197-204, DOI: 10.1016/0038-092X(93)90097-8
12. SKARTVEIT, A. and J.A. OLSETH 1994, Luminous efficacy models and their application for calculation of photosynthetically active radiation. SOLAR ENERGY, 52, 391-399, DOI: 10.1016/0038-092X(94)90116-J
13. LEONTIEVA, E., K. STAMNES and J.A. OLSETH 1994, Cloud optical properties at Bergen (Norway) based on the analysis of long-term solar irradiance records. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 50, 73-82, DOI: 10.1007/BF00864904
14. OLSETH, J.A., A. SKARTVEIT and HAN ZOU 1995, Spatially continuous mapping of solar resources in a complex high latitude topography. SOLAR ENERGY, 55, 475-485, DOI: 10.1016/0038-092X(95)00068-3
15. SKARTVEIT, A., J.A. OLSETH, G. CZEPLAK and M. ROMMEL 1996, On the estimation of atmospheric radiation from surface meteorological data. SOLAR ENERGY, 56, 349-359, DOI: 10.1016/0038-092X(95)00117-A
16. HEIKINHEIMO, M.J., H. OHVRIL, A. Venäläinen, A. Skartveit, J.A. OLSETH, V. LAINE, H. TERAL, M. ARAK and K. TERAL 1996, Recent variations of atmospheric turbidity at selected sites in Finland, Estonia and Norway as revealed by surface solar radiation. GEOPHYSICA, 32, 195-215 (PDF-file)
17. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1997, Spatial distribution of photosynthetically active radiation over complex topography. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 86, 205-214, DOI: 10.1016/S0168-1923(97)00010-5
18. SKARTVEIT, A., J.A. OLSETH and M.E. TUFT 1998, An hourly diffuse fraction model with correction for variability and surface albedo. SOLAR ENERGY, 63, 173-183, DOI: 10.1016/S0038-092X(98)00067-X
19. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 2001, Solar irradiance, sunshine duration and daylight illuminance derived from METEOSAT data for some European sites. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 69, 239-252, DOI: 10.1007/s007040170029
20. MUELLER, R.W., K.F. DAGESTAD, P. INEICHEN, M. SCHROEDTER, S. CROS, D. DUMORTIER, R. KUHLEMANN, J.A. OLSETH, G. PIERNAVIEJA, C. REISE, L. WALD and D. HEINEMANN, 2004, Rethinking satellite based solar irradiance modelling. The SOLIS clear sky module. Remote Sensing of the Environment, 91, 160-174, DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2004.02.009
21. DAGESTAD, K.F. and J.A. OLSETH, 2007, A modified algorithm for calculating the cloud index. SOLAR ENERGY, 81, 280-289, DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2005.12.010
22. Dagestad, Knut-Frode, 2004, Mean bias deviation of the Heliosat algorithm for varying cloud properties and sun-ground-satellite geometry. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Climatology 2004 ;Volum 79. s. 215-224, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-004-0072-5
23. LINDFORS, ANDERS; KAUROLA, JUSSI; AROLA, ANTTI; KOSKELA, TAPANI; LAKKALA, KAISA; JOSEFSSON, WEINE; OLSETH, JAN ASLE; JOHNSEN, BJØRN, 2007, A method for reconstruction of past UV radiation based on radiative transfer modeling: Applied to four stations in northern Europe, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, 112, DOI: 10.1029/2007JD008454
24. MEDHAUG, I., J.A. OLSETH and J. REUDER, 2009, UV radiation and skin cancer in Norway. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY, B: Biology. 96, 232-241, DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2009.06.011
Part of books
1. SKARTVEIT, A. and J.A. OLSETH 2001, Global-to-direct/diffuse irradiance. In: Solar Energy, The state of the art, ISES position papers. Ed. Jeffrey Gordon. pp 521-523. James & James, London.
2. SKARTVEIT, A., J.A. OLSETH and H. Lund 2001, TMY data sets. In: Solar Energy, The state of the art, ISES position papers. Ed. Jeffrey Gordon. pp 548-550. James & James, London.
International reports
1. PEREZ, R., H.G. BEYER, A. BITTAR, G. CZEPLAK, L. DAHLGREN, J.J. DELAUNAY, D. DUMORTIER, M. FONTOYNONT, P. INEICHEN, J. LOVE, B. MCARTHUR, J.A. OLSETH, M. ROMMEL and A. SKARTVEIT 1994, Broad-band visible radiation data acquisition and analysis. A Technical Report of Task 17: Measuring and Modelling Spectral Radiation Affecting Solar Systems and Buildings. Volumes 1 - 3. Report No. IEA-SHCP-17E-1, August 1994.
2. OLSETH, J.A., A. SKARTVEIT, G. CZEPLAK and M. ROMMEL 1994, Review and test of parameterizations of atmospheric radiation. A Technical Report of Task 17: Measuring and Modelling Spectral Radiation Affecting Solar Systems and Buildings. Report No. IEA-SHCP-17F-2, December 1994, 124 pp.
3. SKARTVEIT, A., H. LUND and J.A. OLSETH 1994, The Design Reference Year. Klima, Report no. 11/94. Det norske meteorologiske institutt, Oslo, 23pp (A Report of Task 17: Measuring and Modelling Spectral Radiation Affecting Solar Systems and Buildings; Subtask E – Design Reference Year).
4. FONTOYNONT, M. , D. DUMORTIER, D. HEINEMANN, A. HAMMER, J.A. OLSETH, A. SKARTVEIT, P. INEICHEN, C. REISE, J. PAGE, L. ROCHE, H.G. BEYER, L. WALD, A. SANTOS, 1997, SATELLIGHT - Processing of METEOSAT data for the production of high quality daylight and solar radiation available on a World Wide Web Internet server. CNRS - DR 07. Contract JOR3 - CT95-0041. 12 Monthly Progress Report - January 1996 to December 1996.
5. FONTOYNONT, M. , D. DUMORTIER, D. HEINEMANN, A. HAMMER, J.A. OLSETH, A. SKARTVEIT, P. INEICHEN, C. REISE, J. PAGE, L. ROCHE, H.G. BEYER, L. WALD, 1997, SATELLIGHT - Processing of METEOSAT data for the production of high quality daylight and solar radiation available on a World Wide Web Internet server. CNRS - DR 07. Contract JOR3 - CT95-0041. Mid-Term Progress Report - January 1996 to July 1997.
6. FONTOYNONT, M. , D. DUMORTIER, D. HEINEMANN, A. HAMMER, J.A. OLSETH, A. SKARTVEIT, P. INEICHEN, C. REISE, J. PAGE, L. ROCHE, H.G. BEYER, L. WALD, 1998, SATELLIGHT - Processing of METEOSAT data for the production of high quality daylight and solar radiation available on a World Wide Web Internet server. CNRS - DR 07. Contract JOR3 - CT95-0041. Mid-Term Progress Report - January 1997 to December 1997.
7. FONTOYNONT, M. , D. DUMORTIER, D. HEINEMANN, A. HAMMER, J.A. OLSETH, A. SKARTVEIT, P. INEICHEN, C. REISE, J. PAGE, L. ROCHE, H.G. BEYER, L. WALD, 1998, SATELLIGHT - Processing of METEOSAT data for the production of high quality daylight and solar radiation available on a World Wide Web Internet server. CNRS - DR 07. Contract JOR3 - CT95-0041. Six-Monthly Progress Report - January 1998 to July 1998.
8. FONTOYNONT, M. , D. DUMORTIER, D. HEINEMANN, A. HAMMER, J.A. OLSETH, A. SKARTVEIT, P. INEICHEN, C. REISE, J. PAGE, L. ROCHE, H.G. BEYER, L. WALD, 1999, SATEL-LIGHT - Processing of METEOSAT data for the production of high quality daylight and solar radiation available on a World Wide Web Internet server. CNRS - DR 07. Contract JOR3 - CT95-0041. Final Report - January 1996 to April 1999.
9. MUELLER, R.W., H.G. BEYER, S. CROS, K.F. DAGESTAD, D. DUMORTIER, P. INEICHEN, A. HAMMER, D. HEINEMANN, R. KUHLEMANN, J.A. OLSETH, G. PIERNAVIEJA, C. REISE, M. SCHROEDTER, A. SKARTVEIT, L. WALD 2002, Energy-Specific Solar Radiation Data from Meteosat Second Generation (MSG): The Heliosat-3 Project. Mid-term progress report, 74 pp.
10. OLSETH, J. A., DAGESTAD, K. F., SCHROEDTER-HOMSCHEIDT, M.; INEICHEN, P.; DUMORTIER, D.; ERBERTSEDER, M.; GESELL, G.; HOLZER-POPP, T.; KREBS, W.; VAN ROY, F., 2005. Energy-Specific Solar Radiation Data from Meteosat Second Generation (MSG): The Heliosat-3 Project, Validation Report, Deliverable D16. Oldenburg: University of Oldenburg, 460 pp.
11. BETCKE, J.; KUHLEMANN, R.; HAMMER, A.; DREWS, A.; HEINEMANN, D.; WALD, L.; CROS, S.; SCHROEDTER-HOMSCHEIDT, M.; HOLZER-POPP, T.; GESELL, G.; ERBERTSEDER, T.; KOSMALE, M.; DAGESTAD, K. F.; OLSETH, J. A.; INEICHEN, P.; REISE, C.; DUMORTIER, D.; VAN ROY, F.; GALLEGO, A.O.; BEYER, H.G.; TRIEB, F.; SCHILLINGS, C.; HOYER, C.; MANNSTEIN, H.; BUGLIARO, L.; KRONSHAGE, S., 2005. Energy-Specific Solar Radiation Data from Meteosat Second Generation (MSG): The Heliosat-3 Project, Final Report, Deliverable D17. Oldenburg: University of Oldenburg, 131 pp.
12. KOEPKE, P.; DE BACKER, H.; BAIS, A.; CURYLO, A.; EERME, K.; FEISTER, U.; JOHNSEN, B.; JUNK, J.; KAZANTZIDIS, A.; KRZYSCIN, J., LINDFORS, A., OLSETH, J.A., DEN OUTER, P., PRIBULLOVA, A., SLAPER, H., STAIGER, H., VERDEBOUT, J., VUILLEUMIER, L., WEIHS, P., 2008. Modelling solar UV radiation in the past: Comparison of algorithms and input data, Final report, COST Action 726 Earth System Science and Environmental Management, Brussels, 94 pp
Conference papers
1. OLSETH, J.A. 1984, Frekvensfordeling av døgnvis globalstråling. Ein modell og bruken av denne. I : Proc. XIV Nordisk Meteorologmøte med særlig vekt på arktisk meteorologi, Tromsø, 126-138.
2. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1986, A solar radiation data handbook for Norway. In: NORTH SUN 86 - Solar Energy at High Latitudes. Proc. International Solar Energy Conference, Copenhagen, 276-281.
3. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1989, Hourly illuminance modelled from global irradiance. In: Daylight and Solar Radiation Measurements. Proc. CIE-WMO International Symposium, Berlin, 272-281.
4. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1990, The short-term variability of solar irradiance. In: Energy and the Environment. Into the 1990s. Proc. 1st World Renewable Energy Congress, Reading, 3102-3106.
5. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1990, Models for estimating solar irradiation and illumination. In: Energy Conservation in Buildings. Proc. NORTH SUN 90 International Solar Energy Conference, Reading, 193-198.
6. SKARTVEIT, A. and J.A. OLSETH 1990, The intrahour variability of solar irradiance. In: Renewable Energy Sources. Solar Energy and Applications. Proc. The Second Cairo International Symposium on Renewable Energy Sources, Cairo, 1-10.
7. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1992, The distribution of hourly global irradiance dependent on the amount and type of cloud. In: NORTH SUN 92 - Solar Energy at High Latitudes. Proc. International Solar Energy Conference, Trondheim, 439-444.
8. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1993, Modelling daylight illuminance and photosynthetic active irradiance. HARMONY WITH NATURE - ISES Solar World Congress 1993, Budapest, Vol. 2, 143-148.
9. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1994, Models for estimating longwave atmospheric radiation. In: NORTH SUN 94 - Solar Energy at High Latitudes. Proc. International Solar Energy Conference, Glasgow, 159-164.
10. OHVRIL, H., M. HEIKINHEIMO, A. SKARTVEIT, H. TERAL, M. ARAK, J.A. OLSETH, K. TERAL, L. LAITINEN and M. ROLL 1995, Atmospheric integral transparency coefficient: a climatological parameter. In: International Conference on Past, Present and Future Climate, Proc. of the SILMU (The Finnish Research Programme on Climate Change) Conference, 22-25 August 1995, Helsinki, 355-358.
11. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1996, Modelling the spatial distribution of solar resources and its dependency on latitude, topography, albedo and cloudiness. Abstract Volume, European Conference on Applied Climatology, Norrköping, Sweden, 7-10 May 1996, 89-90.
12. FONTOYNONT, M., D. DUMORTIER, D. HEINEMANN, A. HAMMER, J.A. OLSETH, A. SKARTVEIT, P. INEICHEN, C. REISE, J. PAGE, L. ROCHE, H.G. BEYER, L. WALD, A. SANTOS 1997, SATELLIGHT: A European programme dedicated to serving daylight data computed from METEOSAT images. Proc. Lux Europa 1997, The 8th European Lightning Conference, Amsterdam 11-14 May 1997.
13. FONTOYNONT, M., D. DUMORTIER, D. HEINEMANN, A. HAMMER, J.A. OLSETH, A. SKARTVEIT, P. INEICHEN, C. REISE, J. PAGE, L. ROCHE, H.G. BEYER, L. WALD 1998, SATELLIGHT: A WWW sever which provides high quality daylight and solar radiation data for Western and Central Europe. Proc. 9th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, Paris 25-29 May 1998, 434-437.
14. HAMMER, A., D. HEINEMANN, A. WESTERHELLWEG, P. INEICHEN, J.A. OLSETH, A. SKARTVEIT, D. DUMORTIER, M. FONTOYNONT, L. WALD, H.G. BEYER, C. REISE, L. ROCHE, J. PAGE 1998, Derivation of daylight and solar irradiance data from satellite observations. Proc. 9th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, Paris 25-29 May 1998, 747-750.
15. REISE, C., M. FONTOYNONT, D. DUMORTIER, D. HEINEMANN, A. HAMMER, J.A. OLSETH, A. SKARTVEIT, P. INEICHEN, J. PAGE, L. ROCHE, H.G. BEYER, L. WALD, A. SANTOS 1998, Daylight data for Europe on the Internet. Tagungsbericht 5. Europäische Konferenz Solarenergie in Architektur und Stadtplanung, Bonn.
16. SKARTVEIT, A. and J.A. OLSETH 1998, Global and diffuse radiation estimated from METEOSAT data at some Nordic stations. Proc. XXI Nordisk Meteorologmøte, Reykjavik, Iceland 24-28 June 1998, 119-124.
17. OLSETH. J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1998, High latitude global and diffuse radiation estimated from METEOSAT data. Proc. Of the 2nd European Conference on Applied Climatology, ECAC 98, 19-23 October 1998, Vienna, Austria, Heft Nr. 19, 229 & ECAC98 CD-ROM Nr. 19, ISSN 1016-6254.
18. REISE, C., M. FONTOYNONT, D. DUMORTIER, D. HEINEMANN, A. HAMMER, J.A. OLSETH, A. SKARTVEIT, P. INEICHEN, J. PAGE, L. ROCHE, H.G. BEYER, L. WALD, A. SANTOS 1999, Tageslichtdaten für Europa im Internet. Tagungsbericht 5. Symposium Innovative Lichttechnik in Gebaüden, Staffelstein, 28-29 January 1999.
19. REISE, C., M. FONTOYNONT, D. DUMORTIER, D. HEINEMANN, A. HAMMER, J.A. OLSETH, A. SKARTVEIT, P. INEICHEN, J. PAGE, L. ROCHE, H.G. BEYER, L. WALD, A. SANTOS 1999, Einstrahlungsdaten für Europa im Internet. Tagungsbericht 14. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, Staffelstein, 10-12 March 1999.
20. Reise, C., M. Fontoynont, D. Dumortier, D. Heinemann, A. Hammer, J. A. Olseth, A. Skartveit, P. Ineichen, J. Page, L. Roche, H. G. Beyer, L. Wald 1999, SATELLIGHT: Daylight data for Europe in the Internet. Proc. 2nd Renewable Energy Database Workshop, München, 19.-20. April.1999.
21. FONTOYNONT, M., D. DUMORTIER, D. HEINEMANN, A. HAMMER, J.A. OLSETH, A. SKARTVEIT, P. INEICHEN, C. REISE, J. PAGE, L. ROCHE, H.G. BEYER, L. WALD 1999, SATELLIGHT: A WWW sever which provides high quality daylight and solar radiation data for Western and Central Europe. Poster at 24th Commision Internationale de l’Éclairage (CIE) Session Warzawa 24-30 June 1999.
22. DUMORTIER,D., M. FONTOYNONT, D. HEINEMANN, A. HAMMER, J.A. OLSETH, A. SKARTVEIT, P. INEICHEN, C. REISE, J. PAGE, L. ROCHE, H.G. BEYER, L. WALD 1999, SATELLIGHT: A WWW server which provides high quality daylight and solar radiation data for Western and Central Europe. 1st Balkan Conference on Lighting, Varna, Bulgaria, 6-8 October 1999.
23. Hammer, A., D. Heinemann, A. Westerhellweg, D. Dumortier, M. Fontoynont, J. A. Olseth, A. Skartveit, P. Ineichen, H. G. Beyer, C. Reise, L. Wald and J. Page: Daylight and Solar Irradiance Data Derived from Satellite Observations - The SATELLIGHT Project. Proc. ISES Solar World Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, 4-9 July 1999.
24. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 2000, Solar radiation distribution in complex topography. Proc. The 22nd Nordic Meteorologists' Meeting, Mariehamn, Åland, Finland 27 June - 1 July 2000.
25. MUELLER, R.W., H.G. BEYER, S. CROS, K.F. DAGESTAD, D. DUMORTIER, P. INEICHEN, A. HAMMER, D. HEINEMANN, R. KUHLEMANN, J.A. OLSETH, G. PIERNAVIEJA, C. REISE, M. SCHROEDTER, A. SKARTVEIT, L. WALD 2002, The use of METEOSAT second generation satellite data within a new type of solar irradiance calculation scheme. Poster at EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, 21 - 26 April 2002.
26. JOHNSEN, B., O. MIKKELBORG, A. DAHLBACK, B.A. HØISKAR, A. KYLLING, K. EDVARDSEN, J.A. OLSETH, B. KJELDSTAD, J.B. ØRBÆK 2002, Quality control of the Norwegian UV monitoring network. EGS XXVII General Assembly , Nice, France, 21 - 26 April 2002.
27. MUELLER, R.W., D. HEINEMANN, R. KUHLEMANN, C. HOYER, K.F. DAGESTAD, J.A. OLSETH, A. SKARTVEIT, S. CROS, L. WALD, M. SCHROEDTER, D. DUMORTIER, P. INEICHEN, G. PIERNAVIEJA 2002, A new generation of satellite based solar irradiance calculation schemes. 22nd EARSeL Symposium & General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 4-6 June 2002.
28. MUELLER, R.W., H.G. BEYER, S. CROS, K.F. DAGESTAD, D. DUMORTIER, P. INEICHEN, A. HAMMER, D. HEINEMANN, R. KUHLEMANN, J.A. OLSETH, G. PIERNAVIEJA, C. REISE, M. SCHROEDTER, A. SKARTVEIT, L. WALD 2002, The use of METEOSAT second generation satellite data within a new type of solar irradiance calculation scheme. Proc. The 2002 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users’ Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 2 - 6 September 2002, Abstract brochure, p. 61.
29. JOHNSEN, B., O. MIKKELBORG, A. DAHLBACK, B.A. HØISKAR, K. EDVARDSEN, J.A. OLSETH, B. KJELDSTAD, J.B. ØRBÆK 2002, The Norwegian UV-monitoring program. Period 1995/96 to 2001. Proc. UV-NET, 5th Workshop on Ultraviolet Radiation Measurements, Kassandra, Halkidiki, Greece, 7. - 8. October 2002, Abstracts of presentations, p. 8.
30. OLSETH, J.A. 2004, Presentation of meteorological data on the Internet. Proc. The 24th Nordic Meteorologists' Meeting, Bergen, Norway 7. - 11. June 2004.
31. SÆTRE, O. and OLSETH, J.A., 2006, Measured and modelled UV-radiation in Bergen. Nordic Ozone Group (NOG) meeting, Copenhagen 27. - 28. April 2006.
32. KOEPKE, P.; DE BACKER, H.; BAIS, A.; CURYLO, A.; EERME, K.; FEISTER, U.; JOHNSEN, B.; JUNK, J.; KAZANTZIDIS, A.; KRZYSCIN, J., LINDFORS, A., OLSETH, J.A., DEN OUTER, P., PRIBULLOVA, A., SLAPER, H., STAIGER, H., VERDEBOUT, J., VUILLEUMIER, L., WEIHS, P., 2007. Modelling solar UV radiation in the past: Comparison of algorithms and input data, SPIE Conference: Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XI; 11. - 14.09.2006
33. OLSETH, JAN ASLE; REUDER, JOACHIM; MEDHAUG, ISELIN; SJØLINGSTAD, BRYNHILD BERGE; SÆTRE, OTTAR, 2007, UV-radiation: Examples from Bergen on Measurements Reconstruction and Applications. COST 726 MCM8, Budapest, 29. - 30.03.2007
34. KOEPKE, P.; SCHMALWIESER, A.W.; DE BACKER, H.; BAIS, A.; CURYLO, A.; EERME, K.; FEISTER, U.; JOHNSEN, B.; JUNK, J.; KAZANTZIDIS, A., KRZYSCIN, J., LINDFORS, A., OLSETH, J.A., DEN OUTER, P., PRIBULLOVA, A., SLAPER, H., STAIGER, H., VERDEBOUT, J., VUILLEUMIER, L., WEIHS, P., 2007, Comparison of algorithms and input data for modelling solar ultraviolet radiation in the past, EGU 2007, Wien, 15. - 20.04.2007.
35. LITYNSKA, Z.; DE BACKER, H.; KOEPKE, P.; SCMAELWIESER, A.W.; GRÖBNER, J.; OLSETH, JAN ASLE; COST726, 39 MEMBERS, 2007, COST 726: Long term changes and climatology of UV radiation over Europe, EGU 2007, Wien, 15 - 20.04.2007.
36. LITYNSKA, Z.; DE BACKER, H.; KOEPKE, P.; SCMAELWIESER, A.W.; GRÖBNER, J.; OLSETH, JAN ASLE; COST726, 39 MEMBERS, 2007, COST 726: Long term changes and climatology of UV radiation over Europe, Proceedings of the UV Conference "One century of UV radiation research", 18-20 Sept. 2007, Davos, Switzerland, 33.
37. OLSETH, JAN ASLE; MEDHAUG, ISELIN; REUDER, JOACHIM; SJØLINGSTAD, BRYNHILD BERGE; SÆTRE, OTTAR, 2007, UV-radiation in Norway: Measurements, reconstructions, and applications., Proceedings of the UV Conference "One century of UV radiation research", 18-20 Sept. 2007, Davos, Switzerland, 199-200.
38. MEDHAUG, ISELIN; OLSETH, Jan Asle; Reuder, Joachim. Reconstruction of UV-radiation in Norway. EGU General Assembly 2008; 13. – 18.04.2008.
39. Medhaug, Iselin; Olseth, Jan Asle; Reuder, Joachim, 2008, UV-radiation and skin cancer in Norway. The 26th Nordic Meteorologists' Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland, 02. - 06.06.2008.
40. Olseth, Jan Asle; Medhaug, Iselin; Reuder, Joachim; Sjølingstad, Brynhild Berge; Sætre, Ottar. Measured and modelled UV radiation in Norway. The 26th Nordic Meteorologists' Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland, 02. - 06.06.2008.
Norwegian papers
1. OLSETH, J.A. 1979, Om strålingsklimaet i Bergen. Met. Rep. Series, Univ. of Bergen, Nr. 8 - 1979, 39pp.
2. OLSETH, J.A. 1981, Solstrålingsklimaet i Bergen. KLIMA, Det norske meteorologiske institutt, Nr. 4, nov. 1981, 36-48.
3. OLSETH, J.A. og K. HEGG 1982, Ei samanlikning av solstrålingsklimaet i Ås og Bergen. Meld. fra Norges landbrukshøgskole, 61, Nr. 16, 23pp.
4. OLSETH, J.A. 1984, Solstråling på skrå- og vertikalflater omkring 60o N. KLIMA, Det norske meteorologiske institutt, Nr. 6, des. 1984, 37-50.
5. OLSETH, J.A. og A. SKARTVEIT 1985, Strålingshandbok. KLIMA, Det norske meteorologiske institutt, Nr. 7, okt. 1985, 57pp.
6. OLSETH, J.A. og A. SKARTVEIT 1992, Solstrålingsklimaet i Norge. Været nr. 1/1992, Oslo p. 37-43.
7. OLSETH, J.A., 2005.Global dimming. Cicerone 2005 (4) p. 24-25
Norwegian reports
1. OLSETH, J.A. og A. SKARTVEIT 1987, Varighetstabellar for timevis solstråling mot 11 flater på 16 norske stasjonar. Met. Rep. Series, Univ. of Bergen, Nr. 1 - 1987, 146pp.
2. SKARTVEIT, A. og J.A. OLSETH 1988, Varighetstabellar for timevis belysning mot 5 flater på 16 norske stasjonar. Met. Rep. Series, Univ. of Bergen, Nr. 7 - 1988, 134pp.
3. OLSETH, J.A. og A. SKARTVEIT 1990, Solstråling på ulikt orienterte flater på Lillehammer. Grunnlagsdata for dimensjonering av kjøleanlegg til bob-bane, OL 1994. KLIMA, Rapport nr. 37/90. Det norske meteorologiske institutt, Oslo. 27pp.
4. DE LANGE, T., J.A. OLSETH og A.. SKARTVEIT 2001, Meteorologiske målinger i Lærdal. Målinger i perioden desember 2000 – november 2001 utført av Geofysisk institutt, UiB på oppdrag fra Forsvarets Bygningstjeneste, Miljøseksjonen. 68 sider. Teknisk notat, Geofysisk institutt, UiB, desember 2001.
5. OLSETH, JAN ASLE; SKARTVEIT, ARVID; DE, LANGE TOR; CLEVELAND, FRANK; KANGAS, TOR-VILLY. Radiation observations in Bergen, Norway, 2003 Radiation Yearbook No. 39. Bergen: Geofysisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen, 2004. 78 s.
6. OLSETH, JAN ASLE; CLEVELAND, FRANK; DE LANGE TOR. Radiation observations in Bergen, Norway, 2004 Radiation Yearbook No. 40. Bergen: Geofysisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen 2005. 78 s.
7. OLSETH, JAN ASLE; CLEVELAND, FRANK; DE LANGE TOR. Radiation observations in Bergen, Norway, 2005 Radiation Yearbook No. 41. Bergen: Geofysisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen 2006. 78 s.
8. OLSETH, JAN ASLE; CLEVELAND, FRANK; DE LANGE TOR. Radiation observations in Bergen, Norway, 2006 Radiation Yearbook No. 42. Bergen: Geofysisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen 2007. 78 s.
9. OLSETH, JAN ASLE; CLEVELAND, FRANK; DE LANGE TOR. Radiation observations in Bergen, Norway, 2007 Radiation Yearbook No. 43. Bergen: Geofysisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen 2008. 78 s.
Dr. theses
1. OLSETH, J.A. 1990, Utvikling og bruk av modellar til studiar av solstrålingsklima. Dr.scient. avhandling i meteorologi, Geof. inst. avd. for meteorologi, Univ. i Bergen.
2. Dagestad, Knut-Frode 2005, Estimating global radiation at ground level from satellite images. Dr.scient. avhandling i meteorologi, Geof. inst. avd. for meteorologi, Univ. i Bergen.
Reports (EU-project SATELLIGHT)
(only Internet publication):
1. OLSETH, J.A., A. SKARTVEIT, and E. SKAAR 1996, Retrospective quality control of solar radiation data.. Second SATELLIGHT-meeting, Bergen June 24/25 1996 (
2. SKARTVEIT, A. and J.A. OLSETH 1996, Illuminance / irradiance at a high latitude IDMP station. Second SATELLIGHT-meeting, Bergen June 24-25 1996 (
3. SKARTVEIT, A. and J.A. OLSETH 1997, Horizontal and vertical illuminance / irradiance from the IDMP station in Geneva. Third SATELLIGHT-meeting, Les Marécottes, January 16/17 1997 (
4. SKARTVEIT, A. and J.A. OLSETH 1997, Test of a luminous efficacy model on illuminance /irradiance data from 4 European IDMP stations. Third SATELLIGHT-meeting, Les Marécottes, January 16/17 1997 (
5. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1997, High latitude global and diffuse radiation estimated from Heliosat. First draft, May 1997. Fourth SATELLIGHT meeting, Oldenburg June 5-6, 1997 (
6. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1997, Horizontal and vertical illuminance / irradiance from 4 IDMP stations. First draft, June 1997. Fourth SATELLIGHT meeting, Oldenburg June 5-6, 1997 (
7. OLSETH, J.A. and A. SKARTVEIT 1997, High latitude global and diffuse radiation estimated from Heliosat-versions 7, 8, 9, and 10. Fifth SATELLIGHT-meeting, Sophia Antipolis, November 27-28 1997 (
8. SKARTVEIT, A. and J.A. OLSETH 1997, Satellite derived and ground truth horizontal and vertical illuminance / irradiance from the IDMP stations at Geneva and Gävle. Fifth SATELLIGHT-meeting, Sophia Antipolis, November 27-28 1997 (
9. SKARTVEIT, A. and J.A. OLSETH 2000, Global and diffuse radiation estimated from METEOSAT data at Bergen, Norway. Final report for SATELLIGHT (