Instruments at the Radiation Observatory
Here you will find information on the different instruments for measurements of shortwave solar radiation and longwave terrestrial radiation at the Radiation Observatory
Main content
- GLOBAL RADIATION, i.e. total shortwave radiation from the sun (direct radiation + diffuse radiation scattered from the sky) on a horizontal surface, is measured by a Kipp & Zonen CM11 pyranometer.
- DIFFUSE (SKY) RADIATION, i.e. total shortwave diffuse radiation from the sun (scattered from the sky) on a horizontal surface, is also measured by a Kipp & Zonen CM11 pyranometer. By measurements of diffuse radiation, the direct solar radiation d off by the use of a circular disc with diameter 6 cm mounted on a 30 cm long moving arm.
- DIRECT NORMAL INCOMING RADIATION, which is the direct solar radiation on a surface normal to the solar beam, is measured by at Eppley Normal Incidence Pyrheliometer, Model NIP. The instrument is mounted on a tracking device, Eppley Automatic Solar Tracker Model SMT-3 , following the sun.
- ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION on a horizontal surface is measured with a Eppley Total Ultra Violet Radiometer TUVR which has a response in the wavelength region 290 - 385 nm.
- (Erythemal) UV-B RADIATION, which is the UV-radiation in the UV-B region (280 - 320 nm), weighted with the response function of the human skin, is measured in MED (MinimumErythemal Dose) by a Solar Light UV Biometer 501A.
- DOWNWARD LONGWAVE ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION is estimated from longwave radiation measured by a Eppley pyrgeometer.
- EFFECTIVE OUTGOING LONGWAVE RADIATION from a "black" surface at the air temperature, is also estimated from longwave radiation measured by a Eppley pyrgeometer.
- SUNSHINE DURATION is measured with a Campbell-Stoke sunshine recorder registered according to the WMO regulations.
- SUNSHINE DURATION is also estimated as the number of minutes with irradiances above 120 Wm-2 (measurements each 20. second) from measurements by the Eppley Normal Incidence Pyrheliometer (NIP). (Missing registrations by the the Campbell-Stoke instrument are, in few given occasions replaced by NIP-durations above 200 Wm-2)
- The Datalogger system consists of a Fluke Helios I Computer Front End (CFE), a PC and a line printer.