Global Challenges

Research on global challenges

The University's strategic focus on global challenges is based on the need to understand global development to solve global challenges.

Discussion BSRS
Eivind Senneset / UiB

Main content

The University of Bergen's ambition is to excel internationally as a research and educational institution that contributes to understanding and solving global societal challenges.

Through the priority area on global challenges, UiB works to promote interdisciplinary and cross-faculty research and education that has an impact on how we meet these challenges globally and locally.

Thematic areas prioritised in the period 2022 – 2024 were: diversity, resourcesglobal health, migrationdemocracy and human rights. From 2025 we will focus on activities realted to to the many aspects of inequality. Read more

We will also promote research that develops our knowledge of how the selected thematic areas are connected and how they influence each other.

Select research projects