Global Challenges

Global challenges at UiB

University of Bergen aims to be internationally recognised as an important contributor to understanding and addressing global challenges.

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Inequalities are at the core of global challenges today. We experience pervasive disparities in access to resources, health, safety, and education. ​

Inequality is understood in many contexts as unreasonable or unfair differences. Inequality in power and influence shapes processes and institutions both nationally and globally. Inequalities affect people’s freedom, opportunities, and choices.

Teaching, research, and action on inequality must be informed by the many dimensions of the phenomenon and how these vary across contexts and disciplines. Inequality also touches on differences and variations that are significant for agency and cultural expression.

“Inequality” will be the focus of the work at Global Challenges at UiB from 2025 onwards.

Take a look at our brief annual report and find out what we worked on in 2024 (pdf).


UiB is developing and co-ordinating relevant courses and programmes to equip students for the challenges lying ahead. With its international expertise and focus, the University of Bergen aims to be the destination of choice for all students interested in global issues.

The faculties at UiB will co-operate to provide knowledge about complex global challenges. Students will gain the necessary competencies to handle the intricacy and interdisciplinarity of tomorrow’s global challenges. Administrative barriers for interdisciplinary co-operation between faculties at UiB will be removed.


Interdisciplinarity is necessary to conduct research that will impact global challenges. UiB encourages co-operation across disciplines and faculties, and will especially promote interdisciplinary research in the areas of migration, health and inequality, as these three topics addresses key global challenges.

UiB aims to establish strong interdisciplinary collaborations between researchers and research groups. Collaboration between research schools will be encouraged, and educating young interdisciplinary researchers will be prioritised.

In order to anchor and coordinate this effort at all levels across the University, a strategic working group with representatives from all the faculties has been given the responsibility for further developing UiB’s global challenges’ strategy. The Deans at all seven faculties at UiB form a steering group.

The strategy work receives special administrative support from a unit at Faculty of Medicine. This administrative unit will, in particular, work to promote research and education related to global challenges, and organise meeting places for students, PhD-candidates, researchers and society in general.