Global Challenges

Funds for cooperation projects in Global Challenges

Strategy area for Global Challenges has allocated funds to promote scientific interfaculty cooperation in 2018.

Belo Horizonte is the sixth largest city in Brazil and capital of the South-eastern state of Minas Gerais, Brazil

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Global Challenges has allocated funds to promote scientific interfaculty cooperation in 2018.

The target group for application of funds are scientific staff at University of Bergen.

The aim of the funds:
To stimulate interfaculty cooperation in research or education.

Allocation criteria:

  • The topic must be a global challenge in migration, health or inequality.
  • At least two Faculties must participate in the work.
  • The funded activity must be carried out in 2018.
  • Funds can be allocated to meetings, seminars or travels that promote interfaculty educational initiatives or development of applications for research projects.
  • From NOK 10 000 up to NOK 100 000 can be allocated per application.

Send your application to Bente E. Moen, Centre for International Health, bente.moen@uib.no. Applications are processed continuously.

Contact: Marit Bakke, marit.bakke@uib.no; Tore Sætersdal. tore.satersdal@uib.no; Bente E. Moen, bente.moen@uib.no

The application must contain a short description of purpose, partnerships, plan for activity and budget. The application should be maximum one page.