Faculty of Humanities

Promotion to professor by competence

Associate professors in permanent positions can apply for promotion to professor according to competence. There are two annual application deadlines: 15 March and 15 September.

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Applications can be made in print or digitally. Applications in print should be submitted directly to the administration at the Faculty of Humanities (Harald Hårfagresgate 1). Applications can also be submitted to the department/centre, which then forwards them to the faculty. For digital applications, research material should be stored in a cloud or other digital storage medium.

The application deadlines ar 15 March and 15 September.

Application, CV, list of publications and scientific works (up to 15), are submitted in 5 copies, sorted into 5 identical piles, alternatively on digital storage medium. 

Only one copy of the application form is required.  This form can be found under ‘Documents’ at the bottom of this page.

The applicant should be familiar with the current regulations: