Faculty of Humanities

News archive for Faculty of Humanities

New research proves that our ancestors cooked starchy rhizome 170 000 years ago. The study also implies that the food was shared as a social act around the fire.
The archaeologists who found the World's oldest man-made drawing are back in Blombos Cave in search of new discoveries. Professor Henshilwood welcomes us to the cave to show us his team at work as they dig for clues that can tell us how early humans lived.
Do student teachers feel prepared to teach English in multilingual classrooms? Synne Nordlie investigated student teachers’ beliefs about multilingualism in her fresh master’s thesis.
New dissemination video from the MAGIC project on what happens when there is uncertainty and the science is not complete.
Last week, we ended our semester with a full-day event on approaches to research algorithms without going into the code. Experts Ysabel Gerrard and Taina Bucher each gave a lecture and, in the workshop afterwards, participants discussed their ideas and obstacles on the ways in which they research algorithms.
New digital technology makes it possible to recreate the lives led by our ancestors 100,000 years ago.
Last week, special guest Lars Johnsen gave a workshop for the DHNetwork on how to use data the National Library of Norway as a source for computational analysis. The varied groups of participants from the humanities, social sciences and university library learned to use different tools to analyze textual data in Jupyter Notebooks.
In a well-attended afternoon, Charles Ess and Eva Payne gave talks about the state of the art of research ethics followed by a closed workshop session for students and researchers using social media data in their projects.
MoMM met the research group TYPOlex from Copenhagen Business School.
Thor Olav Iversen's doctoral project seeks to develop a critical framework for assessing food security quantification. We had a quick talk with the PhD candidate.
New CNA software published on the The Comprehensive R Archive Network.
Michael Baumgartner and Christoph Falk, Boolean Difference-Making: A Modern Regularity Theory of Causation, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
“I never tire of studying medieval manuscripts. Even though my source material is Norwegian, it is also fundamentally international. This gives the research a broader perspective and forces international cooperation”, Professor Åslaug Ommundsen says.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, BSRS 2020 was organised as a virtual research school. 
Daniela Hofmann, newly appointed Associate Professor in archaeology, hopes that the Neolithic social structures can tell us something about the present.
Ines Prodöhl, appointed Associate Professor in history, focuses on economy, agriculture and industry in her research and teaching.
Kjersti Fløttum, head of the LINGCLIM research group, participated at a panel debate entitled "Apocalypse soon - or do the worries rain away?" as part of the National Science Week in Bergen.
MoMMs recently presented their research at an international conference
