Faculty of Law

News archive for Faculty of Law

Larry A. Bakken (Hamline University) was a long- standing contributor and lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Bergen.
Last Friday, April 12th, the Research Group on Climate, Energy, and Environmental Law hosted an engaging seminar.
Applications for our PhD and postdoctoral course hosted in Voss from August 28th to 29th, 2024, are now open.
On the 15th to 16th February 2024, professors Anna Nylund, Magne Strandberg and Camilla Bernt traveled to Leiden University to participate in a seminar organized by Professor Bart Krans.
"Even though the rules are different, the Nordic perspective gives value because we have so many cultural roots in common, says the Faculty of Law's new Honorary Doctorate, Mads Bryde Andersen. The professor at the University of Copenhagen is an active promoter of keeping the Nordic legal tradition alive.
Governments and oil and gas companies aim to electrify oil and gas production on the continental shelf as quickly as possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Three members of the research group have recently written articles addressing the issues raised by this framework.
In collaboration with the Department of Comparative Politics, the research group invited experts on offshore wind energy from the UK, Denmark, Latvia, Poland, and Norway to participate in a interdisciplinary conference.
On February 22nd, the research group organized a seminar on decommissioning of ships.
Professor Terje Einarsen is the editor of the newly published commentary on the UN Refugee Convention.
The University of Stavanger currently has a job announcement for an exciting PhD position within EU/EEA law. The position is related to the UiB international research center for EU and EEA, CENTENOL.
On January 15th, 2024, the Research Group for Legal Culture organized a lunch seminar on the comparative method for comparing Nordic countries.
5 students have written a report on the "Nordic Legal Culture: Myth or Reality?"-conference, which the Research Group held in June 2023.
During February 2024 we offer a mini-series of three webinars dealing with hydrogen and ammonia. Join us to get valuable updates on different aspects of the current developments in hydrogen technology, economy and legislation!
This seminar was not recorded but a similar presentation by chief economist Eirik Wærness along with much more information, can be found at the Energy Perspectives webpage at Equinor.com, see the right hand column for links.
Ny artikkel av professor Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen i siste nummer av Lov og rett.
Juristforbundet ved Sjøfartsdirektoratet arrangerte 11. januar en fagdag med EØS-rett som tema. Professor Christian Franklin foreleste om EØS-rettslig metode, og da særlig om forholdet mellom primær- og sekundærretten. Førsteamanuensis Melanie Hack, snakket om samspillet mellom EU-EØS-rett og norsk arbeidsrett.
Professor Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen skriver at dersom man hverken er villig til å sette av mer ressurser eller til å spørre EU om hjelp, bør man vurdere å bare slutte med å oversette direktiver til norsk.
