Information about exams at LLE
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Exam Dates
All exam dates for written exams, home exams and term papers can be found at StudentWeb.
An overview of dates and locations for written exams, as well as dates for all other exams can be found at UiB's student pages.
Information about dates for oral exams will be published on Mittuib. For some courses the dates for oral exams will first be set later in the semester. In these cases information will be announced on MittUiB no later than one week before the oral exams.
If you should have any questions you can contact us at
Term papers and home exams
Submitting term papers and home exams
Term papers and home exams must be uploaded to Inspera. You cand find information on how to upload your exams here:
To logon to Inspera Assessment you must use your standard UiB username and password: (use Feide).
Essay template
Students can use a front page template available in the department's exam folder in Mitt UiB:
File format
Term papers and home exams must be uploaded to Inspera as pdf-files. If you don't have a pdf-converter software installed on your computer, you can convert files to pdf for free online. For example here:
Word count
The number of words for term papers and home exams can usually be found on the courses website under "Forms of Assessment". If there isn't any information about word count you can contact your teacher.
Citation, sources and plagiarism
The Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aethetic Studies makes use of a plagiarism software called Urkund.
It is therefore important that you follow correct citation techniques. If you have any questions about citation and sources you can check
Other resources
Centre for Academic Writing:
If you should have any questions you can contact us at
Written exams and digital written exams
Many written exams are now digital exams, meaning that you have to use a computer in stead of pen and paper. To find out if your written exam is a digital exam you can check UiB's exam pages.
Information about digital exams
UiB uses a browser based service called Inspera Assessment as a technical solution for digital examination. Students have to bring their own computers to the exam. Written exam in Inspera is set up with a secure browser to block access to files on your computer and to the Internet during the exam. It is your responsibility to ensure that this browser is installed on your machine before the examination day.
Practical information on digital exams (including information on Safe Exam Browser and how to apply for using a UiB computer during exam) can be found here:
You logon to Inspera with your UiB username and password at (select Feide). After you open the Demo test called 'Demotest med sikker nettleser (SEB)' inside Inspera, you can install the Safe Exam Browser. You can set English as your default language in Inspera via the wheel in the upper right corner.
Students with reading and writing difficulties are advised to apply for Special Arrangements for Examinations as usual.
If you fail to prepare for digital examination as explained above, you might have to complete the examination using pen and paper following ordinary procedures for written examinations. This might also be the case if we experience unforeseen technical problems that cannot be solved during the exam, with a possible extension of the examination time.
If you have any questions, please contact your local student administration / info center at your faculty / or on (select 'digital eksamen' in the left menu) and we will email you as quickly as possible.
If you should have any questions you can contact us at
Candidate Number, Student ID and Anonymity
You can find both your student ID and your candidate number in StudentWeb.
You only have one student ID (6 digits) that will be the same throughout your time as a student at UiB. Your candidate number (3 digits) will change with every exam and course you take.
You must use your candidate number for every exam you take, never use your student ID or name*.
This counts for both written exams, take-home exams and term papers.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at
*(There is an exception for MA Thesis, where you must use your name, but not your student ID or candidate number.)
If you should have any questions you can contact us at
Submitting a master's thesis
The ordinary submission deadlines in the Faculty of Humanities are as follows:
- Spring semester: 1 February and 15 May
- Autumn semester: 1 September and 20 November
For more information about routines concerning the master's degree programme, you may follow this link.
Your MA-thesis must be uploaded to the Studentweb.
From there you must logon with your UiB username and password (use Feide).
Before you upload, please have the following things ready:
- The title of your thesis (The title you write into Studentweb will show up on your certificates and in BORA)
- A summary of your thesis, if you want it to be accessible in BORA.
- Your thesis must be a PDF-file. Attachments don't need to be saved as PDF-formats.
- Start the submission process a while before the deadline. It can take some time to upload, as well as filling in the summary and title.
More inoformation on the submission process as well as a picture guide can be found at MittUiB.
Oral exams
Oral exams are usually held at UiB. Students are expected to be in Bergen, at UiB during oral exams.
There will be at least two examiners present during the oral exam. One of the examiners will be external, meaning an employee from from an educational institution other than UiB.
Information about dates for oral exams will be published on MittUiB. For some courses the dates for oral exams will first be set later in the semester. In these cases information will be announced on MittUiB no later than one week before the oral exams.
If you should have any questions you can contact us at
Explanation of grade and appeal about a grade
Information on explanation of grade and appeal about a grade can be found here.