- UiB
- HF
- Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies
- About the Department
Health, safety and environment at LLE
Useful information on HSE at The Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies.
Main content
This manual is primarily for employees at The Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies. The information is also relevant for students, guests and temporary employees.
The local HSE information, in line with UiB's overall HSE goals, contribute to the department facilitating good workplace communities, safe and functional workplaces, and a good safety culture and emergency preparedness.
Responsibility and roles in HSE work
The head of department and the head of administration have responsibility for health, safety and environment at all levels. Employees and students have a responsibility to actively participate in their working environment.
Safety delegates fulfil a supervisory function, represent employees in working environment matters and cooperate with the management.
Read more about the safety delegates' tasks, organisation and election.
Fire safety and emergency preparedness at LLE
Emergency preparedness
The head of department and secondly, the head of administration, have responsibility in an emergency situation. If there is a risk to life, health or safety, you must always first notify the emergency services. Then call the Security centre at UiB.
Emergency preparedness plan at The Faculty of Humanities (NO).
Fire safety
Everyone at the department should know the fire safety instructions at UiB.
The user representatives are responsible for the fire safety before, during and after an evacuation. Sign up for a guided walk trough on fire safety and evacuation routines (spring 23).
When evacuating the HF-building you should meet at (NO) Haakon Sheteligs Plass 7: the University of Bergen Library.
If the main stairs are closed
Don't use the elevator if there's a fire. If the main stairs are closed, use the stairs located at the back of the HF-building or emergency exits in the "S-block" (the hallways/area directly connected to Sydneshaugen skole).
The stairs located at the back of the HF-building are entered:
4th floor: vis-a-vis room 423 (to the right of the sink)
3rd floor: vis-a-vis room 319 (to the right of the sink)
2nd floor: vis-a-vis room 232 (to the right of the sink)
Emergency exits in the area connecting to Sydneshaugen skole ("S-block"):
3rd floor: through room 364 (Daniel Jung)
2nd floor: through room 284 (Gjert Vestrheim)
Important to note on the stairs at the back of the HF-building: Green signs in the ceiling show escape routes down to the first floor. In the case of an emergency, use the green panic button at the end of the stairs to open the door. Your employee access card will not work.
The emergency exits in the S-block are through the offices of Vestrheim (2nd floor) and Jung (3rd floor). These exits are connected to the fire alarm and will automatically unlock when the fire alarm is activated.
Sick leave, leave of absence, holiday or other absences
If you are absent from work because of illness, sick child or injury, inform the department using e-mail: post@lle.uib.no (academic staff) or adm-lle@uib.no (administrative staff), or by phone +47 55 58 24 00. If you have classes that need to be postponed or cancelled, please inform the students on MittUiB, and by hanging a notice on the lecture room. The administrative staff can help if you're absent.
Remeber to activate automatic out-of-office messages in Outlook and hang a note on your office door at schedueled absences.
Working hours and absence, such as sick leave and holidays, must be registered on a continuous basis in the self-service portal or app. See more information about time and absence here.
See the different types of absences and who can use them, here.
Christmas and New Year's
All administrative and technical staff can, in agreement with their leader, take Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve off, and one additional day off, in the period between 24–31. December.
Physical and mental health
Sammen provides health care offers for students, like doctors, dentists, psycologists and councellors, and a wide array of courses where you can learn stress management, how to succeed in your studies, mindfulness and much more.
Exercise is important for both physcial and mental health. Physical activity promotes good health, improves your mood and sleep, boosts energy, and reduces stress. Students and employees at UIB can get a discounted membership with access to all of Sammen's gyms.
Safe and sound working conditions with a good mental health
The occupational health service shall assist the employer, the employees, the working environment committee and safety representatives in creating safe and sound working conditions.
UiB also has information on
- places to get support if you're struggling
- workplace adaptations and sick leave
- psychosocial working environment and mental health
- information on prevention of substance abuse and addiction at UiB
Long workdays with little movement? Remember to move during long working hours in static postures. For every 30th to 60th minute, take a 30-60 seconds break where you make sure to move. You can try these exercises (NO only).
Workspace and computer glasses
Use this guide to set up your office equipment.
A well adjusted ergonomic workstation is important. However, a "perfect" ergonomic working posture does no good if you spend too much time in it. Our body's needs variation. The next position is the best position! Change position often.
Working in front of a computer screen is straining on the eyes. Sometimes computer glasses are needed. Contact the administration consultant about computer glasses.
Welfare and lease of premises
A good working community
Every week, the head of department sends out a newsletter to all employees by e-mail. Here you will find information about birthdays, anniversaries, publications, guest lectures, meetings and seminars at, or organized by people associated with, the department. All employees can send relevant news to anders.fagerjord@uib.no. Mark the email "ukeslutt".
Every last Friday of the month we have a department lunch where all employees are welcome. Here we celebrate, among other things, anniversaries, birthdays and publications, and receive short presentations and introductions to new employees.
In case of an emergency
Emergency phone numbers
- Fire Brigade 110
- Police 112
- Ambulance Services 113
Security centre at UiB
- +47 55 58 80 81
Emergency preparedness
Sikresiden - A national website that provides you with training and advice on what you do in emergency situations and what you can do to improve safety.
Non-conformities, injuries or worries
- Speak up - Students should let us know if something is not working, if you are experiencing unwelcome incidents or see something that worries you.
- Employees and students shall report HSE non-conformities in UiBhelp. Report adverse events and matters that have resulted in or may result in harm to people, the environment or material values.
- First aid
- Note: Need for maintenance/repairs of work rooms and interiors must be sent to the Estate and Facilities Management division at UiB, lydia.uib.no.
Questions about HSE at LLE?
Contact: jorunn.nedreberg@uib.no