Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies

“Past, present and future terrains: speculative fictions of the earth´s surface”

Join the one-day seminar: “Past, present and future terrains: speculative fictions of the earth´s surface” Monday 16 September, Alt Går Bra Lokale, Strandgaten 208, 5004 Bergen

Main content


9.15 – 9.45: Introduction and presentation of Contemporary Aesthetics and Alt Går Bra

9.45-11.45: Session 1: Human and non-human in the landscape

  • Stephanie Heine. Associate Professor in Comparative Literature at The University of Copenhagen. ‘The Neuter Austerity of that Terrain’: Defiance against Anthropocentric Mastery in Cormac McCarthy’s Desert-Writing” 
  • Øyvind Vågnes. Novelist and Professor in Information Science and Media Studies at the University of Bergen.  "Island Dreams"
  • Alt Går Bra. Artist collective/duo based in Bergen. “Parergon and Ergon, Mapping Terrain in the Visual Arts”

11.45-12.45: Lunch

12.45 – 14.15: Session 2: Vertical and horizontal histories

  • Robert Law. Postdoctoral Researcher in Geosciences at the University of Bergen. “How do glaciologists think about glaciers?”
  • Martin MacInnes. Novelist (In Ascension and Gathering Ground, et.al) based in Edinburgh. “‘PRESERVING WORLD MEMORY: Archives, extractions, and deep problems with time.’”

14.15-14.30: Coffee break with fruit

14.30-15.15: Keynote by Karen Pinkus. Writer and Professor Emerita, Cornell University. "Narrative and Machines for Seeing Down/Up/Across Terrains"

15.15-16.00: Plenary discussion on the values and pitfalls of looking at landscape through the intersection of art, science and technology